- name: Office Camera
state: on
transition: 2
brightness: 249
rgb_color: [248, 248, 248]
color_temp: 111
Error when the automation runs: 17-03-23 13:20:14 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Invalid service data for light.turn_on: value must be at least 154 for dictionary value @ data['color_temp']. Got 111
The error is obviously telling me that the color temperature can’t be below 154, even though the bulb supports it. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong here?
yea nvm I see the mirads now, and that makes sense to put it there, but not a lot of other properties I wonder about such as kelvins, color temp range (I think it shows max), or the other 51 supposed features seem to have sparsely populated information in hass. After viewing some logs yesterday, I understand that error and could use things like that to figure out what values were valid. Still learning.