I’ve been using HA for some time now and really happy with it. I had Philips HUE lights integrated via a Hue Bridge, but recently converted all to Zigbee2MQTT via a Sonoff dongle (because of the coming requirement for a HUE account). In the middle I have a Mosquitto MQTT broker.
What I’ve noticed is that with the original HUE integration I was able to move the slider for the brightness and it would immediately update the brightness of the light and reflect my movements of the slider in HA. That way I could easily judge what brightness I wanted and let go at the desired brightness. With HA/Z2M I only see the light change whenever I let go of the slider. So I have to adjust, release, adjust, release, … Is there a way to achieve to original instantaneous reaction with HA/Z2M?
My guess is there is something within HA which in real-time sends updates to the HUE integration, but only after “release” for MQTT. That is consistent with what I’m seeing in MQTT explorer (message only after release). Is there a setting I’ve missed that would allow this same behaviour for MQTT?
I’ve been looking and trying to find an answer, but unfortunately the terms I used either ended up on issues with the HUE bridge (which I’ve disabled), connectivity issues (my lights update immediately whenever I let go off the slider) or other unrelated items…
My setup (all on Docker)
- HA 2024.1.0
- Z2M 1.35.0
- Mosquitto 2.0.18
Thanks for any help you can offer.