I have a few Martin Jerry dimmer switches flashed with tasmota.
What the best way to have them turn on at a certain brightness when the switch is pressed? I basically want that if it’s between midnight and 6:00am to have the light when switched on to be at 25 percent brightness.
I’m real new to node red son any help would be appreciated.
I cant talk to these specific light switches, but if they behave like any other dimmers than the process is the same.
Basically in NodeRed you will just use the same service calls that you will also use within Homeassistant.
So I would recommend to check out the home assistant developer tools.
Once you figure out the correct service call, it basically is just a translation from yaml to json to make it work within nodered.
Now if I understand you correctly, you want the light to come on at a specific brightness based on time when you manually press the physical button, is that correct?
That might actually a bit more tricky, as I assume the switch will just power on your device with the last set dimmer values and then publish the values to home assistant. So you might have a short time of brigher or dimmer light than you want until you adjust it automatically.