Light Entity Card

has anyone tried to create a ‘slider’ in place of the color wheel? like this…


I didn’t see it in a search of the prior posts, but can this card be installed manually? I don’t use HACS atm.

I assume it is just copy the raw .js in the \dist folder, but do I need the .map file as well?

Not sure if it’s possible for the % value to change and for the brightness or colour temp to change while you drag the slider? Currently you have to drag and release the slider before you see what position and % value the new setting is.

I was hoping that becauset there is “EFFECTS” this card could have trigger to loop colours or CCT and adjust loop speed with slider… Currently there is this EFFECT but it does not do anything…

Currently I have Automation for this and its not as good and I would have to create manually to each light I want to have it…


alias: Sini RGB Loop

mode: single



  description: The entity that will be rainbowed

  example: light.sini_rgb


colors: |-

  {{ [[0.217,0.077], [0.157,0.05], [0.136,0.04], [0.137,0.065],

      [0.141,0.137], [0.146,0.238], [0.151,0.343], [0.157,0.457],

      [0.164,0.591], [0.17,0.703], [0.172,0.747], [0.199,0.724],

      [0.269,0.665], [0.36,0.588], [0.444,0.517], [0.527,0.447],

      [0.612,0.374], [0.677,0.319], [0.701,0.299], [0.667,0.284],

      [0.581,0.245], [0.477,0.196], [0.385,0.155], [0.301,0.116], 

      [0.217,0.077]] }}


- service: light.turn_on


    xy_color: |

      {{  colors[(now().second/2.5)|round(0)] }}

    transition: 1

    entity_id: '{{ entity }}'

alias: Sini RGB loop

description: Rotating color every second


  • hours: ‘*’

    minutes: ‘*’

    platform: time_pattern

    seconds: /2

condition: []


  • service: script.rgb_loop


    entity: light.sini_rgb

mode: single

This may be a dumb question and I’m just missing it but I’ve been through this entire thread and not found an answer. How do you modify the effects list? Sometimes I click on the built in effects and I get an error “Failed to call service light/turn_on. list index out of range”. The effect will work sometimes but other times nothing. Any idea what I’m missing or does anyone have detailed instructions on how to work with the effects?


I don’t get it. I installed Light entity card from HACS and got the palette. Everything works except change color. I have a Philips Hue lamp (light.color_temperature_light) that is connected to my zigbee II. Do you need a bridge to make this work or a code in config / scripts?

It will look even better leaving a gap between the background and the percentage


ha-slider-background: 'linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(0,0,0,0) 0% 2.5%, rgba(165,201,241,1) 2.5%, rgba(255,255,255,1) 50%, rgba(254,151,7,1) 97.5%, rgba(0,0,0,0) 97.5% 100%)'

Great addition, looks better :wink: !

I got it even better :partying_face:
By using the Card-Mod ( ) I was able to use the style command and achieved space and rounded corners like with the original HA slider!

Then ofc with your slider to avoid the missing rounded courners


ha-slider-background-light-entity: 'linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(165,201,241,1) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,1) 50%, rgba(254,151,7,1) 100%)'
  - type: custom:light-entity-card
    entity: light.deckenlicht_wohnzimmer_rechts
    header: Tisch
    shorten_cards: true
    consolidate_entities: true
    show_slider_percent: true
    full_width_sliders: true
    style: |
      .ha-slider-full-width ha-slider {
        border-radius: 4px;
        margin-left: 10px;
        margin-right: 10px;



That looks really good, more ‘polished’ with the spacing and the rounded corners, well done :slight_smile:

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Still quite new to HA so I’m sure this is a simple thing - but after updating my card with the rounded corners of the background slider, after reloading HA earlier today, I am no longer seeing the coloured slider bar? I know this is going to be an obvious fix for someone to point out, but I would appreciate it if someone could show me where I have gone wrong please?
My card config is:

shorten_cards: false
consolidate_entities: true
child_card: false
hide_header: false
header: Bedroom Ceiling Light
color_wheel: true
persist_features: false
brightness: true
color_temp: true
white_value: true
color_picker: true
smooth_color_wheel: false
speed: true
intensity: true
force_features: false
show_slider_percent: true
full_width_sliders: true
brightness_icon: weather-sunny
white_icon: file-word-box
temperature_icon: thermometer
speed_icon: speedometer
intensity_icon: transit-connection-horizontal
type: custom:light-entity-card
entity: light.bedroom1_ceiling_light
style: |
  .ha-slider-full-width ha-slider {
    border-radius: 4px;
    margin-left: 10px;
    margin-right: 10px;

and I’m using the Google dark theme as my theme, to which I have added the ha-slider-background-light-entity as follows:

 # Sliders
  paper-slider-knob-color: rgb(138, 180, 248)
  paper-slider-knob-start-color: var(--paper-slider-knob-color)
  paper-slider-pin-color: var(--paper-slider-knob-color)
  paper-slider-active-color: var(--paper-slider-knob-color)
  paper-slider-secondary-color: var(--light-primary-color)
  ha-slider-background-light-entity: 'linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(165,201,241,1) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,1) 50%, rgba(254,151,7,1) 100%)'


Have I perhaps just not referenced this correctly, or could there be something else preventing the coloured slider background from showing up in my card? Thanks!

Do you use the theme in your card / dashboard?
Have you tried restarting HA or reloading the themes?

I use the Google theme in the profile I use to view the dashboard with. I’ve also tried setting the theme to default and reloading the themes service, but it makes no difference, neither does restarting HA. It’s just odd that the colour temp slider background was there but stopped appearing. It must be something in my config but I can’t see what.

Does anyone get the issues of effects list in 2022.3.3
Now it’s show full list now the combobox any more?

It’s in the issues.


I have a problem with this card for a few days, if I have the option active:

persist_features: true

I can turn on the rgb bulb, but I can’t turn it off, when I press the turn off button it turns on automatically.

Is it a card problem? Did you know this problem or the solution?


I experienced something similar, but not by having the persist_features setting set to true only, but in combination with setting show effects_list to true as well.

Setting effects_list to false allowed me to have other features persist, and the card to function normally.

I suspect it has to do with the recent core frontend update to using MWC web controls, and custom cards needing to change how they use text inputs and dropdowns. I thought of posting an issue on the card’s GitHub, but hadn’t got round to it as noone else seemed to be seeing this - perhaps you could open an issue there, and I’ll add my experience?

Exactly, the same problem you describe, I opened an incident and they closed it directly for me by sending me here.

Ah, I see - well, this looks less like a support issue and more like a bug to me, but I’m far from being an expert, so let’s see if others chime in.

Did you open the issue against home assistant or the light entity card? Because if it’s an issue with the light entity card, then you should be here or on the light entity card github page, not home assistants github page.

EDIT: I See you did write it against the light entity card.