Light Entity Card

is it possible to place the selected color in somekind of helper to use it later on?

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I’ve just updated to 2023.3.0b0 and noticed the color wheel no longer shows on any of my light entity card instances, has anyone else found this?

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There are significant changes in 2022.03 to the core more-info popups on which this card partly depends.

You might find the color wheel does appear after you open a standard popup for any light entity.

Probably worth opening an issue on the GitHub repository for the card, but the developer may well feel this is a breaking change too far.


I’ve opened an issue but doesn’t look like this card has been updated in a while :frowning:

Color Wheel no longer showing up on 2023.3.0 ¡ Issue #104 ¡ ljmerza/light-entity-card (


unfortunately, there’s too many break changes at this point to support this card. would need a good rewrite that i dont have the time for

Thats sad to hear. This has control has been a staple in my HA install. Thanks for all the work you have put into it though :slight_smile:

So what alternatives do we have for colour wheel controls at this point? I am not a fan of the popup controls, I shouldnt have to open something to see whats happening.

Hi all, I have the same problem. With this last update the color wheel doesn’t work anymore. What are the alternatives? Any one can recommend other card that can do the same? Regards, Luis Sismeiro

I don’t have the knowledge to rewrite this card like @ljmerza said needs to be done but I wish I did. I use this card for so many things. I guess I just have to appreciate it for the use that I have already got out of it. Thanks @ljmerza.

okay everyone made me feel bad about it. i dont use this card anymore but i rewrote it to use an internal color picker for v6.0.0


Hi, just downloaded and tested the new version 6.0.3 and works wonderfully. Thank you @ljmerza for the update keeping the card valuable for all of us current and future users. Regards, Luis Sismeiro

All updated on both HA and lights-entity-card (6.0.4) but no color wheel appears.
My config below and using Fibaro RGBW controller:

      - shorten_cards: false
        consolidate_entities: false
        child_card: false
        hide_header: false
        header: ''
        color_wheel: true
        persist_features: false
        brightness: true
        color_temp: true
        white_value: true
        color_picker: true
        smooth_color_wheel: false
        speed: true
        intensity: true
        force_features: false
        show_slider_percent: false
        full_width_sliders: false
        brightness_icon: weather-sunny
        white_icon: file-word-box
        temperature_icon: thermometer
        speed_icon: speedometer
        intensity_icon: transit-connection-horizontal
        type: custom:light-entity-card
        entity: light.albin_rgbw
        effects_list: false

Hi all, my problem is that when I set the brightness to 0 via slider, an error is thrown. “homeassistant.exceptions.HomeAssistantError: Setting state for entity shellydimmer2-yy11 failed, state: {‘turn’: ‘on’, ‘brightness’: 0}, error: DeviceConnectionError()”. The dimmer is a Shelly Dimmer 2. In the settings I set the minimum brightness to 1. Unfortunately without success. Is there a solution for this or have I overlooked something? Greetings Mike

Im having the same issue, for some lights the wheel appears, for others i only get the on/off toggle. Anyone has a solution?

Hi, I like the card but wondered whether it is possible to use steps, for example 5% between each increase/decrease in strength of the light?

Hi. Just posting some troubles I had, maybe you stumple across something to fix it.
I need the selection to display more letters, it’s hard to find the right one:


I absolutely love this card and use it to control WLED led strips.
WLED has a concept of Effects and Color Palettes. Both of which are exposed to HA.
I found how I can have the Color palettes shown in the effects_list, however I was wondering if it would be possible (via YAML?) to show a second list, which would then be the WLED exposed Effects.

Kind Regards

Hello, your card is great! Thank you so much for your work!
I have a question. I have the Aqara LED Strip T1. It has a music function. So light after music recognition. Can this function also be built into your card? Unfortunately, as a newbie, I have no idea about this.

Did you ever get this working with your Fibaro RGBW controller @D-Vine ??

Hi @4integration
Did you ever get the Effects selection working in this card?

No never get this effects working. nobody react on my post and I had some private things going on so did not have time to get it working myself