Light entity icon disappears when overwriting brightness attribute via API

[Edited to include the Lovelace card configs.]

Hello - Any help much appreciated.

I have tried using both curl via a terminal and the dev-service page to overwrite the brightness attribute of a light. I have tried this with both rfxtrx: and mqtt: lights.


curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer MYTOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"state": "on", "attributes": {"brightness": "100"}}' \


Both commands are successful with the same result in the dev-state panel:


However, the on/off light bulb icon indicator disappears (actually goes white, I think) in all of the UI views I’ve tried:

Lovelace Light Card

entity: light.office_light
name: Office
type: light

Lovelace Entity Card

entity: light.office_light
  action: more-info
name: Office
  action: toggle
type: entity-button

and the States UI.

Here is an example of what the Lovelace Light Card looks like:


As you can see, the brightness slide displays the value correctly, but the light bulb is missing.

Any ideas why this the light bulb icon disappears and/or suggestions for a workaround?


What does your configuration look like for the lovelace light card? To me it seems as if it’s not pointing to the correct entity_id.

Thanks for responding. The Lovelace light card config is:

entity: light.office_light
name: Office
type: light

The Lovelace entity card config is:

entity: light.office_light
  action: more-info
name: Office
  action: toggle
type: entity-button

The States UI entry is the standard one that gets automatically created.

I have tried this with several rfxtrx: and mqtt: light entities.

I forgot to mention, if I actually initiate the action to set the light brightness, for example by interacting with the frontend directly or through Google Assistant, the brightness slide updates accordingly, and the entity icon does not disappear.

Raised a issue

Yeah, sorry I didn’t get back to you. Seems like there is quite a few minor issues with the light control in general.

No worries. Thanks for taking a look.