Light entity with a predefined list of colors/brightness levels


I’m working on a integration for a pool box that managing all the pool stuff and I’m looking for the proper way to implement the ligth entity. The box permit only to on/off the light, choose between 4 levels of brightness and choose the color in a predefined list. When I look on supported color modes for ligth entities, I can’t identify the proper type for my light entity and how it will be possible to defined the availabile colors and brightness levels.

Any help or examples will be helpful!

Thank you !

As your light does not really match the light types in HA (this is not an unusual situation), I would recommend only having your light as on/off.

To then set the brightness or colour mode, use a select entity to hold and set the 4 brightness levels and 4 colour settings.

In the HA fronted, you can create a card that joins all this together in a nice way.

Thank you for your advices! I tried it and effectively, it’s good solution. May be one day HA will support ligth with predefined parameters :slightly_smiling_face: