Hi everyone,
I’m new to Home Assistant, but I am experienced in programming. So to learn python scripting in HA, I had to start somewhere.
I found the script “Light Fader by Transition Time” by mrsnyds to implement a fade effect. It bugged me the fade is linear. In lighting, it is common to use a curved correction, as a low light in a darkened room is perceived brighter. But I couldn’t find that, and I just went from there.
I implemented these curves, but you can easily add your own.
I could really need some help on how to make this async. I understand I require AppDeamon, but my learning-curve (pun intended) is not there yet.
Cheers, Ingrid
Edit: large update, version 2.0
- input checks and debugger. Who know how to throw an exception? I would rather quit the script than put the whole thing in an else statement, which I did now.
- when changing a state, it takes about a sec before the new state is available for readout, but the script can change them very rapidly. To be able to check if the lamp is manually changed, to break the script, I implemented allowed lag time. The shorter duration of the fade, the more changes per timeframe, the more lag steps are allowed. With a duration of 10sec, lag time is about 2 sec, you won’t be using quick fades, then lag time can be decreased.
- When light is off, and temperature_start or temperature_end is not defined, the min/max mireds average will be default.
2.0.1 - small change, added a round
t_cur = round ((states.attributes.get('min_mireds') + states.attributes.get('max_mireds')) / 2)
# smooth_fader.py
# Version 2.0.1
# By Ingrid Bakker studioilb.nl
# service: python_script.smooth_fader
# data:
# entity_id: light.entity ; required
# duration: '00:00:00' ; required, time under 10 seconds is not advised
# brightness_start: 0-255 ; default: current
# brightness_end: 0-255 ; default: current
# brightness_curve: 'linear' or 'exp2' or 'exp5' or 'smooth' ; default: exp5
# temperature_start: 154-370 ; default: current
# temperature_end: 154-370 ; default: current
# temperature_curve: 'linear' or 'exp2' or 'exp5' or 'smooth' ; default: exp2
# When light is off, and brighness_start or brighness_end is not defined, the light
# will remain off.
# When light is off, and temperature_start or temperature_end is not defined, the
# min/max mireds average will be default.
# adapted from https://community.home-assistant.io/t/light-fader-by-duration-time/99600
# adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/978599/equation-to-calculate-different-speeds-for-smooth-animation
# FUNCTION: linear
# round(start+direction*((x-1)*(difference/steps)+1))
# 50% effect a 50% of time
# FUNCTION: exp2
# n = 2, round(abs((direction*start)+(((difference^(1/n)-1)/(steps-1))*(x-1-1)+1)^n))
# 50% effect at 69% time
# FUNCTION: exp5
# n = 5, round(abs((direction*start)+(((difference^(1/n)-1)/(steps-1))*(x-1-1)+1)^n))
# 50% effect at 81% time
# FUNCTION: slow
# round(abs(direction*start+difference^(x/steps)))
# 50% effect at 88% time
# FOR debugging
debug_report = 0 # 0 = errors only; 1 = change events only; 2 = full
system_lag_time = 2 # Estimation how quick the a new state readout will be available.
entity_id = data.get ('entity_id')
duration = data.get ('duration')
b_start = int (data.get ('brightness_start', -1))
b_end = int (data.get ('brightness_end', -1))
b_curve = data.get ('brightness_curve', 'exp5')
t_start = int (data.get ('temperature_start', -1))
t_end = int (data.get ('temperature_end', -1))
t_curve = data.get ('temperature_curve', 'exp2')
if (debug_report > 1) : logger.info ("Curved fader: entity_id: %s, duration: %s, b_start: %s, b_end: %s, b_curve: %s, t_start: %s, t_end: %s, t_curve: %s", entity_id, duration, b_start, b_end, b_curve, t_start, t_end, t_curve)
if ((entity_id is None) or (duration is None) or (max (b_end, t_end)==-1)) :
logger.error ("Curved fader: Entity and duration are required, einther brightness_end or temperature_end should be defined")
else :
duration = int (duration[:2]) * 3600 + int (duration[3:5]) * 60 + int (duration[-2:])
states = hass.states.get (entity_id)
b_cur = b_initial = states.attributes.get ('brightness') or 0
t_cur = t_initial = states.attributes.get ('color_temp') or 0
if (b_start < 1 and b_end < 1) :
logger.error ("Curved fader: When light is off or brighness_start and brighness_end is not defined or 0, the light will remain off, please define brightness")
if (b_cur == 0 and t_start == -1) :
logger.warning ("Curved fader: When light is off, and temperature_start is not defined, the min/max mireds average will be default, please define temperature_start.")
t_cur = round ((states.attributes.get('min_mireds') + states.attributes.get('max_mireds')) / 2)
if (b_start == -1) : b_start = b_cur
if (b_end == -1) : b_end = b_start
if (t_start == -1) : t_start = t_cur
if (t_end == -1) : t_end = t_start
if (debug_report > 1) : logger.info ("Curved fader: brightness current: %s, temperature current: %s", b_cur, t_cur)
curve = {}
curve['linear'] = lambda x, steps, start, end, dif, dir : round (start + dir * ((x - 1) * (dif / steps) + 1))
curve['exp2'] = lambda x, steps, start, end, dif, dir : round (abs ((dir * start) + (((dif ** (1 / 2) - 1) / (steps - 1)) * (x - 1 - 1) + 1) ** 2))
curve['exp5'] = lambda x, steps, start, end, dif, dir : round (abs ((dir * start) + (((dif ** (1 / 5) - 1) / (steps - 1)) * (x - 1 - 1) + 1) ** 5))
curve['smooth'] = lambda x, steps, start, end, dif, dir : round (abs (dir * start + dif ** (x / steps)))
b_dif = abs (b_end - b_start)
t_dif = abs (t_end - t_start)
b_dir = t_dir = 1
if (b_end < b_start) : b_dir = -1
if (t_end < t_start) : t_dir = -1
x = 0
steps = max (1, b_dif, t_dif) # when no change is detected steps = 0, prevent error devide by zero
step_time = duration / steps
lag_steps_allowed = round (system_lag_time / step_time)
if (debug_report > 1) : logger.info ("Curved fader: steps: %s, step_time: %s, lag_steps_allowed: %s", steps, step_time, lag_steps_allowed)
if (debug_report > 1) : logger.info ("Curved fader: b_curve: %s, b_start: %s, b_end: %s, b_dif %s, b_dir %s, t_curve: %s, t_start: %s, t_end: %s, t_dif %s, t_dir %s", b_curve, b_start, b_end, b_dif, b_dir, t_curve, t_start, t_end, t_dif, t_dir)
b_curve = curve[b_curve]
t_curve = curve[t_curve]
b_new = b_last = b_lag = b_start
t_new = t_last = b_lag = t_start
data = { "entity_id" : entity_id, "brightness" : b_new, "color_temp" : t_new }
hass.services.call('light', 'turn_on', data)
lag = {}
lag[x] = {"b": b_new, "t": t_new}
while (b_new != b_end) or (t_new != t_end) :
x = x + 1
xlag = max(0, x - lag_steps_allowed)
if (x > 400) : # runtime protector
logger.critical ('Curved fader: Break, runtime exceeded.')
if (b_dif > 0) : b_new = round(b_curve(x, steps, b_start, b_end, b_dif, b_dir))
if (t_dif > 0) : t_new = round(t_curve(x, steps, t_start, t_end, t_dif, t_dir))
lag[x] = {"b": b_new, "t": t_new}
states = hass.states.get(entity_id)
b_cur = states.attributes.get('brightness') or 0
t_cur = states.attributes.get('color_temp') or 0
# Because the script runs synchronous and there is no button to stop a running
# python script, we need a break.
# For some reasone brightness under 25 is not registerd as an state, but it is
# visible in my light. So I do use it, but exclude it from this break. If you
# want to break the script, elevate the brightness above 25.
# In fast transitions the readout of the new state is to slow to check against.
# So when step_time < system_lag_time, break when current is not between lag
# and last. Don't break when initial value is not changed yet.
if (debug_report > 1) : logger.info("x: %s, b_cur: %s, b_last: %s, b_lag: %s, b_new: %s, t_cur: %s, t_last: %s, t_lag: %s, t_new: %s", x, b_cur, b_last, lag[xlag]["b"], b_new, t_cur, t_last, lag[xlag]["t"], t_new)
if (x > 0 and b_cur > 24 and ((b_cur - lag[xlag]["b"]) * b_dir < 0 or (b_cur - b_last) * b_dir * -1 < 0 or (t_cur - lag[xlag]["t"]) * t_dir < 0 or (t_cur - t_last) * t_dir * -1 < 0) and b_cur != b_initial and t_cur != t_initial) :
if ((b_cur - lag[xlag]["b"]) * b_dir < 0 or (t_cur - lag[xlag]["t"]) * t_dir < 0) :
logger.error ("Curved fader: Break because system_lag_time is set to low, please increase value. The lagere the difference between cur and lag, the larger the increment.")
logger.error ("Lag_steps_allowed: %s, x: %s, b_cur: %s, b_lag: %s, t_cur: %s, t_lag: %s", lag_steps_allowed, x, b_cur, lag[xlag]["b"], t_cur, lag[xlag]["t"])
else :
logger.info ("Curved fader: Break by external change.")
if ((b_new != b_last) or (t_new != t_last)):
data = { "entity_id" : entity_id, "brightness" : b_new, "color_temp" : t_new }
hass.services.call('light', 'turn_on', data)
if (debug_report > 0) : logger.info("Setting %s: brightness from %s to %s and color from %s to %s", entity_id, b_last, b_new, t_last, t_new)
b_last = b_new
t_last = t_new
logger.info ("Curved fader: finished.")