Light fader with curves: linear, exponential and smooth

Thanks @studioIngrid, I’ve not tried your code, but it appears to be exactly what I’m after.

CAVEAT: I’m not a programmer
I may be able to chip in on the colour convesion issue that I want to resolve for another use case. The code below is more of an FYI as I can use your code as is, and noting my caveat, It would take me months to integrate it into yours.

To give context to the code, here’s the sequence of how it came about:

  • I have RGBW lights that can supports many of the variations of color definitions and color temperature
  • I found the Adaptive Lighting integration
  • I stopped using the integration because as it turns out, my fully capable RGBW lights would only go to a max mireds of 370 and the light colours when using RGB mode in adaptive lighting didn’t look correct
  • I then realised I could do my own colour conversion and use it in automations for my lights that uses the Adaptive Lighting colour temp and brightness profiles, but with my version of the colour conversion
  • I found this wikipedia page for an approximation of colour temp in the xy colour space, which I used in a template successfully
  • For various reasons, I wanted it to make it overly complicated and frustrating, so I turned to python and colour science
  • I hit a various home assistant lockdowns and walls, and ended up having to take the conversion code from the colour science library (many types of conversions).
  • I couldn’t get the key component (conversion of colour temp to xy) to work so I mash the colour science code together with the approximation I have above

With that said, this is the gist of how the various code blocks below work:

  • The Adaptive Lighting integration must be installed and when configuring in the UI, this checkbox must be checked: include_config_in_attributes
  • Template sensors are used to store the colour temp from adaptive lighting as the value and the colour conversions as attributes, but start with placeholders for the values
  • When adaptive lighting causes a change to the template sensor value, a generic automation calls the AppDaemon python code for the conversion
  • The App then updates the template sensors’ attributes


  • This code will throw errors on startup if you try to turn on lights prior to there being a change in the adpative lighting attributes
  • Adaptive lighting isn’t actually required if all you want is the conversion of the colour temp, you’ll just have to change the automation to suit, or take the maths out of the python code and put it in a template sensor
  • If you’re starting with Kelvin, to convert to mireds: mireds = 1,000,000 / Kelvin

I’m happy to answer any questions, but I don’t spend much time on this forum, so my answers will likely be delayed.

Template sensor example (the old school template sensor format is below):

- platform: template
      value_template: "{{ state_attr('switch.adaptive_lighting_bedroom', 'color_temp_mired') }}"
        rgb_colour: 0
        hs_colour: 0
        xy_colour: 0
        kelvin: 0
        brightness_pct: "{{ state_attr('switch.adaptive_lighting_bedroom', 'brightness_pct') }}"

Create as many template sensors as you want. The naming is important for the automation, so make sure each sensor name starts with adaptive_lighting_mireds_ and change bedroom to the various unique identifiers of your choice.


- alias: Update adaptive lighting mireds conversion sensors
  - platform: event
    event_type: state_changed
  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{"sensor.adaptive_lighting_mireds_")
  - choose:
    - conditions:
      - condition: template
        value_template: '{{ is_state(, ''unknown'') }}'
      - service: persistent_notification.create
          title: Adaptive lighting mireds conversion sensor not found
          message: The adaptive lighting mireds conversion sensor for {{
            }} could not be found. Please create it first.
    - event: adaptive_lighting_mireds_conversion
        entity_id: '{{ }}'
        value: '{{ }}'


  module: adaptive_lighting_mireds_conversion
  class: AdaptiveLightingMiredsConversion

AppDaemon filename: in a folder of the same name

import appdaemon.plugins.hass.hassapi as hass
import numpy as np

class AdaptiveLightingMiredsConversion(hass.Hass):

    def initialize(self):

    def trigger_conversion(self, event_name, data, kwargs):
        if 'entity_id' in data:
            self.sensor_entity_id = data["entity_id"]
            mireds = float(data["value"])
            cct = 1e6 / mireds
            rgb = self.colour_temperature_to_rgb(cct)
            hs = self.rgb_to_hs(rgb)
            xy = self.cct_to_xy(cct)
            kelvin = self.colour_mireds_to_kelvin(cct)
            self.log(f"RGB: {rgb}, HS: {hs}, xy: {xy}, kelvin: {kelvin}")

            # Update the sensor value
            self.set_state(self.sensor_entity_id, state=mireds,
                            attributes={"rgb_colour": rgb, "hs_colour": hs, "xy_colour": xy, "kelvin": kelvin})

    def cct_to_xy(self, cct):
        M = 1e6 / cct
        if cct < 4000:
            x = - 0.2661239 * 1e9 / (cct ** 3) - 0.2343580 * 1e6 / (cct ** 2) + \
                 0.8776956 * 1e3 / cct + 0.179910
        elif cct <= 25000:
            x = - 3.0258469 * 1e9 / (cct ** 3) + 2.1070379 * 1e6 / (cct ** 2) + \
                0.2226347 * 1e3 / cct + 0.240390
            x = - 0.11026621 * (M ** 3) + 0.0516377 * (M ** 2) + \
                0.075919 * M + 0.206556

        if cct < 2222:
            y = - 1.1063814 * (x ** 3) - 1.34811020 * \
                (x ** 2) + 2.18555832 * x - 0.20219683
        elif 2222 <= cct and cct < 4000:
            y = - 0.9549476 * (x ** 3) - 1.37418593 * (x ** 2) + 2.09137015 * x - 0.16748867
        elif 4000 <= cct and cct < 25000:
            y = 3.0817580 * (x ** 3) - 5.87338670 * \
                (x ** 2) + 3.75112997 * x - 0.37001483
            y = 1

        return x, y

    def xyY_to_XYZ(self, xyY):
        x, y, Y = xyY
        X = (Y / y) * x
        Z = (Y / y) * (1 - x - y)
        return X, Y, Z

    def XYZ_to_sRGB(self, XYZ):
        M = np.array([[3.2406, - 1.5372, - 0.4986],
                        [- 0.9689, 1.8758, 0.0415],
                        [0.0557, - 0.2040, 1.0570]])
        linear_rgb =, XYZ)
        return linear_rgb

    def gamma_correct_sRGB(self, linear_rgb):
        gamma_corrected_rgb = np.where(
            linear_rgb <= 0.0031308,
            linear_rgb * 12.92,
            1.055 * (linear_rgb ** (1 / 2.4)) - 0.055)
        return gamma_corrected_rgb

    def colour_temperature_to_rgb(self, cct):
        # Step 1: Convert colour temperature to xy chromaticity coordinates
        xy = self.cct_to_xy(cct)

        # Step 2: Convert xyY to XYZ (assuming Y = 1)
        Y = 1.0
        XYZ = self.xyY_to_XYZ((xy[0], xy[1], Y))

        # Step 3: Convert XYZ to linear sRGB
        linear_rgb = self.XYZ_to_sRGB(XYZ)

        # Step 4: Apply gamma correction
        gamma_corrected_rgb = self.gamma_correct_sRGB(linear_rgb)

        # Clamp the RGB values to the [0, 1]
        # range and convert them to 8 - bit integers
        clamped_rgb = np.clip(gamma_corrected_rgb, 0, 1) * 255

        # Convert the NumPy array to a list
        return clamped_rgb.astype(int).tolist()

    def rgb_to_hs(self, rgb):
        r, g, b = [val / 255.0 for val in rgb]
        max_value = max(r, g, b)
        min_value = min(r, g, b)
        difference = max_value - min_value

        if max_value == min_value:
            h = 0
        elif max_value == r:
            h = (60 * ((g - b) / difference) + 360) % 360
        elif max_value == g:
            h = (60 * ((b - r) / difference) + 120) % 360
        elif max_value == b:
            h = (60 * ((r - g) / difference) + 240) % 360

        if max_value == 0:
            s = 0
            s = difference / max_value

        return h, s * 100

    def colour_mireds_to_kelvin(self, cct):
        return cct

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