Light group not changing all LED light colours

Hello Home Assistant users,

could you please help me with this light group configuration?

I have created a light group and added two LED lights. When using the Light Card for this group, changing the LED colour only works for one of the LED lights (light.shellyrgbw2_6ea327). The other one remains with its colour unchanged (light.877356515002910e5925).

Here is the Light card configuration:

type: light
entity: light.led_lights

When I create one Light Card for each of the LED lights, I’m able to change the colour of both separately.

Here is what I have in configuration.yaml:

  - platform: group
    name: LED Lights
      - light.shellyrgbw2_6ea327
      - light.877356515002910e5925

Here are the light.led_lights group entity attributes (automatically created, nothing manually changed):

effect_list: null
  - hs
  - rgbw
  - light.shellyrgbw2_6ea327
  - light.877356515002910e5925
friendly_name: LED Lights
icon: 'mdi:lightbulb-group'
supported_features: 44

Here are the light.877356515002910e5925 entity attributes (automatically created, nothing manually changed):

  - hs
friendly_name: LED
supported_features: 63

Here are the light.shellyrgbw2_6ea327 entity attributes (automatically created, nothing manually changed):

  - rgbw
friendly_name: Sofa LED
supported_features: 0

Thank you very much!


Go to the Configuration / Entities menu and change the object id of this to something that does not start with a number:


- light.my_sensible_light_id

Update your group, reload/restart and try again.

Thank you for the recommendation.

In Configuration → Entities, I have changed the Entity ID light.877356515002910e5925 to:


In the Configuration.yaml I have created a new group:

  - platform: group
    name: All LED Lights
      - light.stand_led
      - light.shellyrgbw2_6ea327

Deleted the previous group, and restarted home assistant. The new group attributes are shown as:

  - hs
  - rgbw
  - light.stand_led
  - light.shellyrgbw2_6ea327
friendly_name: All LED Lights
icon: 'mdi:lightbulb-group'
supported_features: 0

Unfortunatelly the Light Card for the entity ID light.all_led_lights only changes the colour of light.shellyrgbw2_6ea327.

A Light Card for the single entity ID light.stand_led works fine.

Damn. I was hoping that would fix it. In Python variables cant start with numbers and to a lesser extent Home Assistant has some issues with this too.

It must be something to do with the supported colour mode differences between the two lights.

I’m pretty sure this is an issue with the light group platform not the light card. So you could open an issue here:

Thanks! I have opened it now: Light group not changing all LED light colours · Issue #51225 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

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