Light groups

I have been using HASSIO for about 6 months, previously I had been using FHEM for a number of years. I am delighted with HASSIO.

I have one thing that is bugging me at the moment, I have set up a group of groups called downstairs which is made up of living room, dining room, kitchen and garage.

Turning on this group works perfectly as does turning off the group if all lights are already on, but my problem is when not all the downstairs lights are on … how do I turn them off using the downstairs group.

I am looking to set up an automation that turns off all downstairs lights as we go to bed, I have even thought of turning on all the lights and then immediately turning them off, which I guess would work, but is a cludge.

Is there a solution to this problem already?



Just create another light group called “all downstairs lights”.

I have a light group called all lights and an automation can turn off all lights using this group (even if not all of the lights in the group are on) when I go to bed.

Thanks for response, after my rebuild with 0.97 … it works as you describe … I am pretty sure this wasn’t the case with 0.96 … but not 100% sure !
