Light.on_turn_on automation delayed until light modified

I have a Teckin SB53 where I’ve divided the RGB and CWWW into two lights. Supposedly if you have them both on at the same time, it can overdrive it, so I’m trying to write an automation to shut off the other upon esphome light.on_turn_on trigger. For whatever reason, the trigger doesn’t execute upon actual “State: ON” but only when I shut it off, or modify the values of the light.

  - platform: rgb
    name: ${friendlyname} RGB
    id: ${devicename}_rgb
        - light.turn_off: ${devicename}_cwww
        - logger.log: "RGB Light Turned On!"
    red: output_red
    green: output_green
    blue: output_blue
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF
    effects: !include effects.yaml
  - platform: cwww
    name: ${friendlyname} CWWW
    id: ${devicename}_cwww
        - light.turn_off: ${devicename}_rgb
        - logger.log: "CWWW Light Turned On!"
    warm_white: output_warm_white
    cold_white: output_cold_white
    cold_white_color_temperature: 6200 K
    warm_white_color_temperature: 2800 K
    default_transition_length: 3s
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF

And here is the log. Note the timestamps of when the logger logs from the triggers.

[21:15:59][D][light:303]:   Transition Length: 3.0s
[21:16:02][D][light:264]: 'RGB Flood 1 CWWW' Setting:
[21:16:02][D][light:273]:   State: ON
[21:16:02][D][light:303]:   Transition Length: 3.0s
[21:17:47][D][light:264]: 'RGB Flood 1 CWWW' Setting:
[21:17:47][D][light:273]:   State: OFF
[21:17:47][D][light:303]:   Transition Length: 3.0s
[21:17:47][D][light:264]: 'RGB Flood 1 RGB' Setting:
[21:17:47][D][light:303]:   Transition Length: 1.0s
[21:17:47][D][main:565]: CWWW Light Turned On!

Using color_interlock instead of an automation.