Light sensor on devices have terrible refresh rate

i installed the app on my tab s2 tablet and s7phone. i see the light sensor is not immediate. maybe 15 minutes delay. terrible. is there something i need to configure to get the values instantly or max of 1 minute delay? they are always plugged in so consuming power is not a concern.

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This is the best that can be done for now. It updates on the regular interval that is outlined in the companion docs. If you enable all the sensors then anytime any of the other sensors trigger an update the light sensor well check in then.

So… Enabling high accuracy mode on the GPS will make it update every x seconds?
Not that I need it, but to OP.

Location updates are not the same as sensor updates

i enabled all 50+ sensors on the S2 tablet, no luck.
guess i will stick to a normal zwave light sensor for now.