Light status not updated/updating correctly in HA


So I installed the latest version of everything (HA updates, zigbee2mqtt) and this issue started happening.

When I toggle a zigbee light using HA the following things are happening :

  • (leds shown as OFF in HA), 1st click, leds turn on but icon in HA still shows they are off (sends MQTT “state”: “ON”)
  • (leds shown as OFF in HA), 2nd click, leds stay on and icon in HA changes to ON (sends MQTT “state”: “ON”)
  • (leds shown as ON in HA), 3rd click, leds turn off but icon in HA still shows they are on (sends MQTT “state”: “OFF”)
  • (leds shown as ON in HA), 4th click, leds stay off and inco in HA changes to OFF (sends MQTT “state”: “OFF”)

What i’ve tried/checked so far :

  • Turning off/on from zigbee2mqtt directy does not change a thing
  • Old instance of domoticz is working as expected (when light turns on, status changes to on, etc)

No issue with, say, a zigbee smart plug.

Any help is appreciated !

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Apparently this has been fixed again in Home Assistant Core 2022.10