Light switch integration not reflecting changes?

I’m using the light switch integration to create light entities for a bunch of switches. It works, but after the first run any changes I make to the yaml aren’t being captured, even after rebooting. Is there a way to flush the cache or something to fix this?


On first run I had a switch named switch.foyer, which I renamed to switch.foyer_light. Not I get switch.foyer_light and light.foyer. It didn’t capture the renamed entity and is still using the original one. Though the light entity it creates does work.

Also, I had some named like “Kitchen - Recessed Lights,” which I renamed to “Kitchen Recessed Lights” in the yaml, but they still show up with the dash.

How do I fix this? I’ve tried restarting just HA, and rebooting the whole system. If I remove the light switch entries they do disappear, but re-adding them they come back with the original names. I assume they are cached somewhere?

Hi. I am experiencing exactly the same problem. Did you ever get an answer? Or were you able to resolve it yourself?


Nope. I just stopped using it.