Light switch pulse insted of toggle

first of all im a newbie to this code stuff
I have IHC system from LK group, my problen is that i cant use a on/off switch, i need to somehow send a pules for 10 ms to toogle ligth on or off, is ther any way to do that.
kind regards

Hey - Old post, but seems unanswered… Could the solution not be that you do an automation that once you turn your switch on, then Home Assistant will turn it back off in 10 ms using automation? Or am I missing the point?

Hi Henrik
Thanks for the reply.
I fixed it by adding a different block to my ihc programming so now I works like a charm.

Hey Michael,

What block did you add instead?

Hi sorry for the late reply.
I use 1.4.01 light controeld by pir.

Okay thanks!
My biggest problem is that my lights are all wired with the uni dimmer, which gives me a problem when I try to toggle the light.

mine are as well i can send my project i you would like. are you from denmark

Yeah sure! Would be great inspiration. Can you pm me?


Just curious - is it somehow possible for Home Assistant / IHC to meassure when doing a short / long / doublepress from Wireless IHC Buttons?

I know it has been a while since you discussed this but I am new to HA and having problems to integrate all my dataline UNI dimmers. Sure, I can get them to work but not in a good way since there are no feedback to a light or switch. Lokking into using binary sensor or pulse controlled switching when I came across this topic. How did you solve controlling your dimmers?