Light toggle vs on/off delay on toggle service, but not on on/off service

Hi, i have some lighst, and i notice a difference between the toggle vs on/off function

if i turn off a light, i can turn it on directly after it, and visa versa
if i toggle a light, i can only toggle it again after about 5-10 sec

is this normal behaviour?

when i try it with a switch, its instant, only with my lights

below my code, i have a sensor, that gets the states of the light, every 30 sec
i also do a second service when i turn on/off a light, this service is to change the icon of the light instantly, so i dont have to wait 30 secs, before the icons turns on/off

so when using the service light.on or it seems HA knows thats its on/off
when i use the light.toggle service, also the icon changes instantly, but seems its still waiting for the sensor value

- platform: template
      friendly_name: "Keuken Eiland"
      value_template: "{{ states.sensor.prog.state[12:14] == '01' }}"
        - service: shell_command.dobiss
            module: 41
            id: 04
            power: 01
        - service: shell_command.dobiss_state
            power: "on"
            name: "Keuken Eiland"
            icon: "mdi:lightbulb-on"
            api: "light.keukeneiland"
        - service: shell_command.dobiss
            module: 41
            id: 04
            power: 00
        - service: shell_command.dobiss_state
            power: "off"
            name: "Keuken Eiland"
            icon: "mdi:lightbulb-on"
            api: "light.keukeneiland"

any idea?

What lights ?

change my first topic, they are TCP lights that are connected to a TCP controller, so using shell commands

ok, confirmed, i change my sensor : states.sensor.prog , so that icons change now after 5 sec
then i can use the toggle function again after 5 sec , instead of 20 sec , what it was configured before

allthough, if i use the ligth.toggle service from HA? the icon is also changed instantly, i have that configured in my template light… so HA knows its turned on/off

that sensor i configured, is only if i use my lights from OUTSIDE ha, with my classic wall switches, so HA knows every xx sec, what lights are turned on/off

so i dont understand why i cant use the toggle service , why the toggle service is waiting for the value, while the on/off function is not

is this a bug?