Light - Transition and Brightness

Hi All,
New to home assistant here.
I have got below set in automation.yaml to switch on the hue light in the morning (weekday) by slowly increase the brightness to 255 within 30 mins timespan. When i run execute this is Automations tab, it switch on the light and the brightness go from 5 to 13 within couple of seconds and it stop at 13. Any idea what have i done wrong?

- id: '1588736111565'
  alias: Weekday Wakeup
  description: 'test'
  - platform: time
    at: '06:15:00'
  - condition: time
    - mon
    - tue
    - wed
    - thu
    - fri
  - service: light.turn_on
    entity_id: light.master_bedroom_ceiling
      brightness: 255
      transition: 1800
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Hi did you get this fixed? I am looking to do the same thing. If you could share your fix that would be great.

I think this is broken… Its annoying…I got around this by using appdaemon, but I am thinking about moving this to node-red

your automation yaml doesn’t match the light.turn_on service call documentation:


    - service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: light.ledliststair
        transition: 1800
        brightness: 255

As @kreene1987 said, you are using a template (data_template) but no template.
If you’re just using regular explicit values, just use data:. If you want to do templating (see documentation), use data_template.
And indeed, your entity has to be in the data section.

Example of template:

  - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.bedroom_1
      brightness: '{{ states.input_number.wakeup_brightness.state }}'
      transition: '{{ states.input_number.wakeup_duration_minutes.state | float *
        60 }}'
      rgb_color: [255,180,10]

Example without template:

  - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.bedroom_1
      brightness: 75
      transition: 300
      rgb_color: [255,180,10]

the _template suffix has been deprecated for over some time now, you can simply use data: and use templates in the data fields.

seems people are responding to different things, it would be good to know what the actual problem is here?

note transition is in seconds, 1800 seems very long.

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Example without template:

  - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.bedroom_1
      brightness: 75
      transition: 300
      rgb_color: [255,180,10]


I’ve been having a play with transition and the example above works with Philips Hue, but not with my Tasmota or Zigbee dimmers.
Transition is ignored and the light comes on at the specified brightness immediately.

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I’m having the same problem, it works with an ikea light bulb, but it ignores the transition with a Tuya one. Does anyone have an idea for a bypass?

@nokarukuta I have the same problem with tuya lamps, Let me know if you find a way to get it to work

Sort of, there’s a script that works, but I couldn’t get to use full brightness it only got up to 40% or so but that was enough for me.