I have got a bunch of smart lights (different companies) but all Tuya supported ones. Basically, I am trying a simple transition for sunset but tried all different way but no positive outcome. Can someone please help me, i am a newbie to HA.
alias: Sunset
description: “”
Technically speaking, it’s not really a “problem”. The light simply doesn’t support the effect you want (i.e. like requesting a light to change color when it doesn’t support colors).
A workaround is to send a continuous stream of increasing brightness levels, with a one or two second delay between transmissions, to simulate the transition effect. There are existing posts on the forum that contain script examples. However the result isn’t always as smooth as native transitions and the stream of brightness commands can flood the lighting network thereby producing other problems. The best result is produced by a light that natively supports the transition effect.
Testing here, I observed that the issue happens only when the service light.turn_on is called by an automation.
when call the service light.toggle, it’s works fine.
Then, to “resolve” my problem, i simple change in automation of turn_on to toggle and add the condition to call only if light is off.
I’ve had the issue with directly calling light.turn_on from development tools or a card as well. I’m not sure if it still persists, have to double check.