Light triggered by motion


I’m new to Node Red and I’m experimenting with motion detection and turning on my light in the bath. Everything is working fine, just a little issue with the delay.

I want a delay of 1 minute to turn the light off if there is no more motion. But if there is motion afterwards, he should again start counting the delay from 0. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to implement it into my current flow so he stops the process of turning it off after the 1 minute delay.

Is there any good tutorial for this?

There is a standard trigger node from NR which you can use. In there, you can specify a delay and if there is another motion within the delay, the delay will reset


thank you, this worked perfectly with this trigger!

I’m new to NR and I’m facing the exact same problem, but I couldn’t figure it out yet.
Would you mind sharing your flow/setup?

Do consider the standard HA automation, this is a simple automation setup there

Thanks! But I’m going the other way around.
I’m trying to learn Node-Red and therefore converting my existing HA automations to NR flows!
I found a YouTube video which describes exactly what I needed:

This may also help.

Hi, which node is that and how to specify the delay and the reset?
Very curious. :wink: