Light "turned on" and no reason given

Hi Guys!

I have aqara motion sensor (modded to 5 seconds), conbee with Deconz on docker and group of Ikea bulbs.

In the past it was working fine with NodeRED, but I decided to move automation to HA.

I have an issue with random “light up” after it has been turned off by automation.

I have adaptive lightning integration, but already disabled it (not removed).

I’m curious why I see only “turned on” for these specific events, while for every legitimate “light up” i see service specified:

Logbook for the group of lights:

I just configured debug.

Kind Regards,

I think something is up in one of the recent releases. My MyQ garage door opener no longer shows the service that opened/closed it, and it shows random close events when the door is already closed - repeatedly.

open/close events with no service were displayed when the wall switch or a remote in one of the vehicles were used. But, since those aren’t “open” or “close” buttons, but rather they are toggle buttons, there’s no way to send a “close” command from one of them. And since the door isn’t opening… I can only assume that the events are erroneous, or the integration is messed up, or… ?

I was considering that it may indicate external turn on, but I have no button paired to the bulb, no issue with wiring.

I have more than 20 the same bulbs installed.

Logbook (without filter here) indicates different time for turn on for each member and the group: