Light turns on by itself

My lights are setup in HA through the Hue integration. All my bulbs are paired with the Hue bridge.

I have 1 light in my daughters room that turns itself on randomly.

Here’s what I’ve tried…

  • checked automations/scenes/scripts
  • checked google home and Alexa. All services have been unlinked from those platforms and exposed only through Nabu Casa
  • removed Hue from HomeKit
  • removed bulb from Hue bridge, re paired with a different name
  • power cycled the Hue bridge
  • deleted HA database
  • power cycled HA
  • disabled Hue dimmer switch in HA that controls the bulb

I’m on the most recent version of HA and Hue bulbs are all up to date. Running HA core on a pi4.

Does the light bulb power socket possibly have a loose connection?

As far as I know most smart bulbs have a manual override in that if you cycle power to the bulb it will turn the bulb on.

Oh right, forgot to add that I went into the Hue app and changed the power on behavior for this bulb to “last known state”

And have you swapped the bulb with a known good one?

I have not but that seems like an obvious test! :man_facepalming:

I spent some time googling this issue specifically with hue bulbs, rather than with Home Assistant and it’s been reported before. I found out there’s a setting in the hue app to “clean” the hue bridge. Tried that, we’ll see if anything changes tomorrow.

following as i have the same issue

To be honest I have no idea what the problem was. I ended up wiping and resetting my hue bridge and my lutron bridge, and added everything back. My issue was fixed after that. Nuclear option was my last resort.