Lighting and weather automations

I have the lighting automation that tells where lighting is hitting. I have it announce anything above 0. Can you put a math problem there? I was the first 5 announced. Then every 5 after that? Like cron jobs you can do /5 for every 5 minutes. So every 5 or ten strikes after the first five would be great. We had 345 strikes in one storm. It never shut up while the storm can through.

He is my other problem. (Back Story) I am the admin for 2 Ham Radio repeater. There both in Linux. I wrote a scripting program that will announce the alert over the repeater. No what I am looking for. I have it broadcasting every 15 minutes, first hour, 30 minutes, second hour, and once an hour if it continues after that. If a new alert comes in. The process starts over. But all the alerts are still there. I can not figure out an easy way to do this. Only thing I can think of is make waits. but that will get complicated. Id didn’t know if there is anyone that can help with this.

What about showing us what you done so far

remember to format your code right.

one way you could do it build a helper that turn on when you have the first one then have a automation that turn the the help off after X mins

    - data:
        entity_id: input_boolean.not_ok
      service: input_boolean.turn_on
    - delay: 00:10:00
    - data:
        entity_id:  input_boolean.not_ok
      service: input_boolean.turn_off

then have a condition

  - condition: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.not_ok
    state: 'off'

in the automation that does the announce

- id: '1623121460811'
  alias: Lighting Notify
  description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.lighting_detection_lightning_counter
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.lighting_detection_lightning_counter
    above: '0' ***Can this be multiples?***
  - condition: or
    - condition: time
      after: 08:00:00
      before: '22:00:00'
  - service: tts.google_translate_say
      entity_id: media_player.bedroom_speaker
      message: Lighting has been detected within {{(states('sensor.lighting_detection_lightning_distance') | int / 1.69) |     round (1,'floor') }} miles of our house. 
    - condition: not
    - condition: state
      state: home
  - service: notify.mobile_app_sm_n950u
      message: TTS
        ttl: 0
        priority: high
        channel: alarm_stream
      title: Lighting has been detected within     {{(states('sensor.lighting_detection_lightning_distance')
        | int / 1.69) | round (1,'floor') }} miles of our house.
  mode: single

I think I need to redo all this. All the announcements are in each automations. Cause there all different.

Your solution is only one time. I can do it in bash but not here.

no not a one time

you will only here it every 10mins as the delay is in the same automation as the condition

what stopping you add a longer delay

also why not show us bash someone in mite convert for you.

#  Main Program

# Run's in background, called by getWxAlert

while [  -f $WXALERT_TEXT ] ; do
   # initial broadcast
   # check if lock file is present. If so, wait for file to be 
   # removed, this prevents alert announcements from simultaneioulsy
   # being sent.
   # if NO_WXALERT file is present, skip playing msg
   if [ ! -f $NO_WXALERT_MSG ] ; then
       while [ -f /tmp/playWxAlertBg-lock ] ; do
           sleep 30

       # set lock file
       echo $MYPROC > /tmp/playWxAlertBg-lock
       Msg="Playing Wx Alert (initial) for $COUNTY"

       # clear lock file
       rm /tmp/playWxAlertBg-lock
       log "Skipping Wx Alert (initial) for $COUNTY, $NO_WXALERT_MSG present"

   # play time is initial, 15m, 15m, 15m, 30m, 30m, then every 60m
   for SLEEPTIME in 900 900 900 1800 1800 ; do
      # sleep 15 mins (900)
      sleep $SLEEPTIME
      if  [ ! -f $WXALERT_TEXT ] ; then
      if [ ! -f $NO_WXALERT_MSG ] ; then
          # check if lock file is present. If so, wait for file to be 
          # removed, this prevents alert announcements from simultaneioulsy
          # being sent.
          while [ -f /tmp/playWxAlertBg-lock ] ; do
              sleep 30
          # set lock file
          echo $MYPROC > /tmp/playWxAlertBg-lock
          Msg="Playing Wx Alert (${SLEEPTIME}s) for $COUNTY"

          # clear lock file
          rm /tmp/playWxAlertBg-lock
          log "Skipping Wx Alert (${SLEEPTIME}s) for $COUNTY, $NO_WXALERT_MSG present"

   while [ -f $WXALERT_TEXT ] ; do
      #every 60m
      sleep 3600 
      if  [ ! -f  $WXALERT_TEXT ] ; then
      if [ ! -f $NO_WXALERT_MSG ] ; then
          # check if lock file is present. 
          while [ -f /tmp/playWxAlertBg-lock ] ; do
              sleep 30
          # set lock file
          echo $MYPROC > /tmp/playWxAlertBg-lock
          Msg="Playing Wx Alert (${SLEEPTIME}s) for $COUNTY"

          # clear lock file
          rm /tmp/playWxAlertBg-lock
          log "Skipping Wx Alert (${SLEEPTIME}s) for $COUNTY, $NO_WXALERT_MSG present"

# remove PID file

# remove NO_WXALERT_MSG file
if [ -f $NO_WXALERT_MSG ] ; then
    rm -r $NO_WXALERT_MSG

log "Alert over for $COUNTY"

exit 0

It is in the sleep section. I tried making some of this in Nodered and I am not real happy with node red. What I am worried about is that this restarts when the new alert comes in. Then they all start over. and play together.

I have a cron job that checks for updates every 5 minutes

hold on I need to add the weather alert automation. That was the lighting. Still need to figure that out.

- id: '1624065368785'
  alias: NWS Notification Weather Alert
  description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.nws_alert_count_filtered
  - condition: and
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{states.sensor.nws_alert_count_filtered.state | int > 0}}'
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ ((''Severe'' in states.sensor.nws_alert_event_filtered.state)
        or (''Tornado'' in states.sensor.nws_alert_event_filtered.state)) and ''Warning''
        in states.sensor.nws_alert_event_filtered.state }}'
    - condition: or
      - condition: time
        after: 08:00:00
        before: '23:00:00'
      - condition: template
        value_template: '{{ ''Warning'' in states.sensor.nws_alert_event_filtered.state
  - service: tts.google_translate_say
      entity_id: media_player.home_group
      message: Attention!,,,Attention!,,,The National Weather Service has issued a          {{
        states.sensor.nws_alert_event_filtered.state }} for your area.          It
        expires at {{ as_timestamp(state_attr('sensor.nws_alert_event_raw', 'features')[0].properties.expires)|
        timestamp_custom('%-I:%M %p on %-m-%-d-%Y') }}.
  mode: single

I have 5 of them cause we can have 5 alerts at once.

I solved this myself. I actually thought outside the box. (outside box = home assistant) What I did was, in the script for the other weather alert. That I have actually running the way it needs to on my ham repeater. I use webhooks. I was watching a youtube video on web hooks. make a script that is tailored to the actual alert. Then I made a web hook that controls that script that I created. Then in the box that already runs the weather alert. I use curl POST to make the request and it plays everytime.