Lights for the stairs - what have you used?

I’m looking for something to illuminate the staircase, its has carpet on so LED strips won’t work.
I was thinking of some kitchen plinth lights.

What have you used and why?
Do you simply have them on/off based on a movement sensor and time of day, or something much cleverer than that with autodim etc?

Strip under the handrail…?

Great idea, but changing from spindles to glass :slight_smile:

I have access to the staircase stringer for most of the stairs (where it is against the wall, so can hide cabling the other side of the wall. So I am imagining something on that side (could be every step, every other, or every 3).

Hi Paul,

LED’s lighting the edge of safety glass panel has an awesome effect.

I attached LED stripes on both sides of stairs, near the steps, and hide them under L shaped wooden element, so they only illuminate stairs: