Lights mysteriously turn themselves on - no detail in logbook

I have many sonoff r2 basic running espurna with mqtt connected to lights, and 1 or sometimes 2 of them are turned on by HA, but in the logbook it only says Turned on with no detail in terms of the automation, person, or event that turned it on. What’s causing this? I’ve looked in the logs on the sonoff devices, in HA, in the logbook but I can’t find what’s causing these to turn on. I thought my HA install had perhaps been compromised, but i’ve looked through my firewall logs too and can’t find anything to support that.

This is driving me crazy! Thanks for any help!

Then it was not Home Assistant. If it was an automation or script or control via a dashboard there would be context included in the log.

This is something happening on your devices.

Do you have long wires to the push button/switch that could be picking up noise?

Did the devices crash, reset or suffer a power outage?

I’m not familiar with espurna, does it have a web interface with a log you can leave open in a browser to monitor this?

EDIT: maybe try debug logging via the Telnet interface,

nope, and no evidence of that. i’ve set the default state for power on to be off regardless. I think since there haven’t been any releases for espurna since 2019 it might be time to move to esphome anyway. According to the docs you can flash a esphome binary from the espurna web ui so that’s something!

Thanks for the help! :slight_smile:

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