Lights: no more color_temp and rgb_color together?

both on my Ikea tradfri and philips hue lights, i have customizations like this:

  icon: mdi:lamp
  extra_data_template: >
    if (attributes.hs_color || attributes.rgb_color) 
        return 'Hs: ' + attributes.hs_color
        + ' | ' +  'Rgb: ' + attributes.rgb_color;
    return null;
  state_card_mode: break-slider
  stretch_slider: true
  hide_control: false
  show_last_changed: true
  confirm_controls: true
    min: 0
    max: 255
    pin: true
    off_when_min: true
    report_when_not_changed: true
    - attribute: brightness
      unit: Br
    - attribute: color_temp
      unit: Co

If available it should show the rgb and hs colors above the slider, and have 2 extra data badges show color temp and brightness.
Worked just perfectly. With the latest updates on Hassio color_temp is not displayed any longer if the rgb settings are displayed. I can see the attributes in the dev-tools.

See below: Dining table lamp 3 shows both badges but Kist won’t give color temp

the templates must be right, have worked just fine before, so maybe something changed in the Hassio implementation?

any hints appreciated

btw, keeping an eye on:



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