Lights on based if Mac is on

Trying to think of ways to do this…
Idea is the LED strip around the computer desk comes on anytime the Mac is on. Now I could just plug in the LED controller to the Mac so it could be powered only when the Mac is but that isn’t quite how I want to do it.

We use an airport express so wondering if anyone has got home assistant to detect or ping an ip and that way it knows the Mac is on the network and should run the led lights…

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I just searched through all the components today!
How did I miss that? I have seen it a few times before…

Thanks you. :sweat_smile:

:grin: no worries. Hope you get it working the way you want.

That is home assistant for you. It makes simple tasks complicated :slight_smile:

My son got annoyed that the night light motion detector doesn’t reach to his end of the hallway, so he bought a little battery powered motion detector light from China. Works perfectly, installed simply, but it ain’t got that HA goodness!

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