(David Davidson)
May 13, 2021, 4:03pm
I’m trying to create an automation that turns on a light when the garage door opens but only after sunset and before sunrise.
Here’s the config, I think I don’t understand how the “condition” works. If the condition is TRUE then the automation won’t run? In this case, if we are before sunrise and after sunset, then condition is true and the automation will not run? I’ve tried it with before: sunset
and after: sunrise
and that doesn’t seem to work correctly either.
id: '162069225'
alias: Turn on back door light when garage door opens
description: ''
- type: opened
platform: device
device_id: 7d2b95a331ebd37eef36f118ab0b
entity_id: binary_sensor.garage_door_sensor_garage_door
domain: binary_sensor
- condition: sun
before: sunrise
after: sunset
- type: turn_on
device_id: 37445c3137b211c56d0f87f85a0
entity_id: switch.back_door_light
domain: switch
mode: single
(Tim Jones)
May 13, 2021, 4:05pm
I have :
- condition: state
entity_id: sun.sun
state: below_horizon
(David Davidson)
May 13, 2021, 4:13pm
Thanks, I added this condition - now waiting for sunset.
May 13, 2021, 10:15pm
If the condition its true it will run. If false wont.
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May 14, 2021, 5:17am
Before sunrise is from midnight to sunrise.
After sunset is from sunset to midnight.
These conditions are AND logic when used together.
It is impossible to be both before sunrise AND after sunset at the same time.
Definitely use Tim’s suggestion above as it is simpler, but just for educational purposes, if you wanted before sunrise OR after sunset you would do this:
- condition: or
- condition: sun
before: sunrise
- condition: sun
after: sunset
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To continue the educational drift, I made the same kind of mistake as a beginner with the before/after logic and this kind of issue pops up almost monthly. It is actually documented very well.
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(David Davidson)
May 14, 2021, 12:34pm
Thanks this worked great.
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August 6, 2022, 8:45pm
I’ve submitted a MR to fix the ‘before sunrise or after sunset’ issue.
It needs reviewers to move it along…
← janick:patch-1
opened 05:19PM - 03 Aug 22 UTC
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