Lights turn off without any command

I have 2 or 3 automations to light-up some of my lights. The automations work all, but for an unknown reason after some variable minutes the lights go off without any other automation that triggers the lights off. Can somebody help me to solve this problem? Where to start to check this behaviour?

What lights do you use ?
And what is shown in the logbook ?

I use yeelight lights…

Post your automations.

Is this related to the other thread?

This for example:

- alias: Accendi Luci al Tramonto
  - event: sunset
    offset: +00:10:00
    platform: sun
  - data:
      brightness: 150
      - 255
      - 255
      - 0
      transition: 600
    - light.yeelight_rgb_34ce008d0019
    - light.yeelight_rgb_34ce008b8362
    service: homeassistant.turn_on
  - data:
      message: Il Sole è tramontato ed ho acceso le luci
      title: Notifica da HomeAssistant
    service: notify.homeassistant
  id: '6'

The lights correctly turn on at sunset, but without any command to turn off them, they will light off after variable minutes…

if the turn on automation works the problem is likely not there.

you said you have a couple of other automations. what are those for? do they have anything to do with turning those lights off? if they do then post those too.

my guess based on the other thread is that the problem will probably be found there.

No, i doubled checked and I haven’t another automation that call the lights off… really strange…

look in the logbook to see if the lights are being commanded to turn off, and if they are, hopefully it will give you a clue as to what is turning them off.

The Yeelight app also has a timer function. Perhaps the app is triggering the off command?

Yes, i know, but the timer option is not enabled in both the bulbs…

Try to put these two lines in your config:

homeassistant.components.lights: debug
homeassistant.components.automation: debug

are you sure that you don’t have a forgotten automation set in some App (Mi Home, Yeelight…) ?

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Thanks, you give the hint to solve this problem… i had timer function enabled in two yeelight bulbs, but i don’t recall i have set them, so i will investigate as i think the yeelight beta app has a bug inside the timer option… Thanks again…
P.S. Where to put those debug lines? In configuration.yaml? And where will be the output?

Correct, the lines go in configuration.yaml, from memory under logger:

The output will appear in homeassistant.log

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