Lights won't go off with automation

I am out of options in this problem.
I have a 4 button wireless Zigbee switch for which I use a Blueprint to program the buttons.
Almost everything works fine with the exception of two older living color lights.
I want to program 1 button to switch off everything in the Livingroom and kitchen off.
I have 2 ledstrips wifi, one ledvance Zigbee and 2 living colors lights.
The 2 ledstrips and the ledvance turn of like they should.
The 2 living colors lights that are still connected to the Hue bridge do not turn off.
No matter how I try to switch them.
I tried turning off everything in the room… they stay on.
Tried with the light turn off entity option…the stay on.
Tried with the device option with the homeassistant turn off command… they stay on.

Now I do have switches for these lights on my dashboard and if i toggle these, then the lights do toggle.

I have no idea wat to try next,

So I have been trying many different things.
I tried calling service light turn off the livingcolors light.
This works fine.
So I did fill this in in the automation for the double click on the button.
When I activate the action by using the three dots an activate now, it also works fine.
When I actually push the button, the ligt wont go off while other lights assigned to the same button double click do turn off.

I am out of options here.