Lightwaverf via Wifi link

I have the Gen1 hub that is currently still sold (called the Connect I think).

Looks like this:

i solved my issue, as i only have switches, i only declared config for switches however it looks like the component requires both lights and switches to be declared. After adding a dummy light it all works correctly. I updated to 0.84.3 at the same time.

grep lightwave home-assistant.log
2018-12-18 10:37:52 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded lightwave from homeassistant.components.lightwave
2018-12-18 10:37:52 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up lightwave
2018-12-18 10:37:52 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain lightwave took 0.0 seconds.
2018-12-18 10:37:54 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded switch.lightwave from homeassistant.components.switch.lightwave
2018-12-18 10:37:54 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch] Setting up switch.lightwave
2018-12-18 10:37:59 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded light.lightwave from homeassistant.components.light.lightwave
2018-12-18 10:37:59 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.light] Setting up light.lightwave
2018-12-18 10:38:46 INFO (Thread-5) [lightwave.lightwave] LW broker OK!
2018-12-18 10:38:58 INFO (Thread-6) [lightwave.lightwave] LW broker OK!

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Ooo, great find!

I’ve just done the same, adding a dummy switch and my lights are now discovered and work again :grinning:

Doesn’t seem to work for me? Can you show a copy of your config please? Would be a great help!

Does this support generation 2 (smart) devices and provide status feedback?

Also, do the api calls go via local network, or via the internet?

Either way, thanks for the work.

Here’s my config:

      name: Lounge Light
      name: Dining Room Light
      name: Dummy

I only have lights, so added the dummy switch even though it doesn't exist. Now the lights work fine for me.
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Got it shown in my UI now but i dont seem to have any control. I only have 1 Lightwave Dimmer so have assumed R1D1, how do i check this?

The first time you switch it on/off you should see the LightwaveRF Link start to flash so that your can pair it with your your device running Home Assistant.

Ahhh missed that, now its not flashing. Remove from config and start again you think?

Could try that. I think the last time I did it I removed all devices from the LightwaveRF iOS app, rebooted my phone then tried again.

Hi, I’m new to Home Assistant and been reading through this thread trying to get my Lightwave Hub to respond to this plugin. I can see HA has sent the command to switch a device on, but nothing is happening.
I’ve run a packet capture and I can see my Lightwave Hub responding saying that the action failed as the device isn’t registered, but I can’t seem to find a way to the get the HA Lightwave module to send the registration packet.

{“trans”:1107,“mac”:“03:14:D6”,“time”:1546121932,“pkt”:“error”,“fn”:“nonRegistered”,“payload”:“Not yet registered. Send !F*p to register”}

Have you managed to trigger the registration packet somehow yet?

Really struggling to get this working. I’ve now got the lights and switches in my HA but when i operate them in HA i get the below error.

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/lightwave/ (ERROR)

Thing is i can only get as far as site-packages then i can’t even seen a lightwave folder in that? I’ve removed the lightwave from config and started again but still the issues persists. I believe this may have been caused to me missing the flashing light on my first attempt but i can’t find a way to rectify this. Any advice?

Whenever I’ve wanted to try pairing a device with the LightwaveRF Link (hub) I always delete/remove all devices in the LightwaveRF iPhone app, reboot everything then try again.

Could be worth a try.

Tried that last night but unfortunately no change. I just can’t get the hub to flash on first operation of the switch. I’ve set a static IP for the hub also

@Targettio all requests are local network only. There are other solutions for using the public API via the cloud.

@adamjhodson what is you home assistant setup? I recently had a similar problem when I more from Hassio on a Rasberry Pi to Hassbian. The problem was the registration request was never send and the service kept on timing out. I have fixed this but need to make the fix public.

@crickes the version here: may fix your problem. You will need to update you configuration.yaml to this format here. This will get your hub registered and should address the send !F*p issue. After you hub has been registered with the new mac address you can delete this and revert back to the old version.

I am hoping to update the official version to include separate buttons for registration and de-registration. I ran into the latter by having too many devices registered.

Hi Geoff, I’m running Hassio in Docker on an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS machine.

Any ideas if the fix will work for mem

@adamjhodson what errors are you seeing? I know you posted “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/lightwave/ (ERROR)” but you need to click on this to expose the actual error.

My guess is that it will say “LWLink Timeout” or similar. If this is the error then you need to register HA with the hub. This should be done automatically when a light/switch is switched on or off. When switched you have ten seconds to get to the hub and click “Yes”.

If this doesn’t work you are experience a similar bug to the one I am trying to address. You can manually register HA to the hub by running the command:

echo -ne "100,\!F*p." | nc -u -w1 9760

(with your own IP address of the hub).
The alternative is to following my last posting to @crickes.

I hope to address this but am distracted with other things right now.

Thank you. I prefer the local calls, I want to avoid cloud calls. As for my second question, does it work generation 2 of the lightwave?