As my first foray into HA and ESPHome I put together a weather display with a Lilygo T5 ePaper. After lots of trail and error I had a functioning display I was happy with. It went into deep sleep low power and the battery would last a couple weeks. Unfortunately, the screen got damaged, so I purchased a new one. I downloaded the firmware from the previous one into the new display and it works great except it now longer goes into low power deep sleep. Looking at the logs, deep sleep is triggered, the wifi disconnects, put it seems like the esp32 is still running. The blue light would turn off when in deep sleep on the original display, but does not on the new one. The battery only lasts for a day. I have sent several days trying to trouble shoot this issue with no luck. Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated, even the most basic suggestions are helpful because as I said this is my first experience with ESPHome and the esp32.
EDIT: After checking the build logs, I realized I was still including another component that was loading the incorrect epdiy, then I had to remove .esphome/build
, clean build files in ESPHome, and then remove .esphome/external_components
before it loaded the correct epdiy hash
Hi, did you fix your issue? I bought a new Lilygo T5 4.7" and am noticing the blue LED stays on in deep sleep as well. Which component are you using? I’m using ashald’s based on this comment Add support for Lilygo T5-4.7 inch e-paper module · Issue #1109 · esphome/feature-requests · GitHub
- source: github://ashald/esphome@lilygo-t5-47
- lilygo_t5_47
but I’m still seeing the blue LED