LilyGO TTGO T-Energy ESP32-WROVER - with 18650 Battery Holder

Hi all!

I have this esp32 and I used this board with 18650 battery. Since I’m no longer using it I would like to use it for another future project (weather station). I would use it with solar panel…and I was considering buying this. To hook the esp to this and to get some solar power to charge 18650 battery.

But the problem is I can’t find any information on the internet if this is feasable. Is this board capable of charging via solar panel on 5W and 5V?

Secondly, for deep sleep, should I use any external connection to RST pin (like with esp8266 d1 mini)? Or just state the wake up pin in the code?

Sorry for such noob question but I’m not keen on electronics nor have any experiances with esps and my learing curve here is quite steep :slight_smile:
