Limit Maps/Media Source for normal users


I am using HA for quite a while now, but now faced a problem that apparently has no solution.
I don’t want limited users to have access to Maps or Media Source, since that exposes all cameras and the location of everyone. Rather, I would have that visible only to admins.

Why isn’t there a way? Or better, what can be done to archieve something similar?

  • Hiding it isn’t a solution since it can be rearranged/shown easily just by editing the sidebar.
  • Fiddling around with default_config: isn’t a solution because it creates 3 new problems:
    • Removing it essentially unloads all integrations, and everything needs to be added manually
    • New integration or changes will break it
    • It removes it from everyone

Check out browser mod, which can limit parts of the UI to users.

But isn’t that a device-specific workaround?

You can also use it on to be user specific, see this example where I restrict specific logins to access the side bar:
