Limited Population in Energy Tab (Supplier API or DCC)

hi all.
im having a bit of trouble with @BottlecapDave’s Octopus Energy Components (GitHub - BottlecapDave/HomeAssistant-OctopusEnergy: Home Assistant integration for interacting with Octopus Energy) AND Hildebrand Glow DCC integration.

i have a SMETS1 meter, and a Chameleon IHD6 (strangely IHD has stopped working and ive requested an update of GUID from supplier, playing the waiting game) not sure IHD Matters, as i am getting population of supplier website and DCC on app

I’ll use the 12th (2 days ago, because the data is the most populated on supplier website)
Supplier Website:-

HA Population
*post 2

Bright Android App
*post 3

Have set Energy tab up as per instructions of bottlecapdaves github and i can see entities are being fed half-hourly info from supplier API

because of limited population of the above sensor i swapped to Hildbrand DCC sensors.
*post 5
buuut i still have no granular population.

Any Advice is greatly appreciated and warmly recieved, sorry if this is in the wrong section. made the most sense to me.

Hi. I can only speak in regards to the integration. As per the latest release and instructions you need to use the external statistics (which can take up to 24 hours to appear) instead of the entities in order to get more granular data in the energy dashboard. The dashboard will never look identical to the apps as the HA dashboard only displays data in hourly chunks (not half hourly).

Based on those sensors for your Hildebrand, those sensors are accumlations so will probably not have the breakdowns you expect. However I’m not familiar with the integration so someone else would be better.

thanks for this, failed to realise the external statistics instruction. completely new to HA so its all very wierd and scary :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: