LimitlessLED configuration

I am getting an error, because number 1 is used twice, but it should work, because type is different:

Configurator shows an error, check config doesn’t, but most annoying, I don’t see “Postelja” as an entity and I can’t use it.

  platform: limitlessled
    - host:
      - number: 1
        type: rgbw
        name: Kino
      - number: 2
        type: rgbw
        name: Kuhinja
      - number: 3
        type: rgbw
        name: Dnevna
      - number: 4
        type: rgbw
        name: Spalnice
        number: 1
        type: dimmer
        name: Postelja

You’ll shoot yourself… you are missing the ‘-’ for the dimmer one…

- number: 1
  type: dimmer


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I have a fut036 controller but it doesn’t seem to be working as type: dimmer
Is there a way to make it work with HA?

Solved; apparently FUT036 coresponds to type: white.

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So, I bought some more led strips and controllers… swapped the stock wifi bridge for milight hub and I am pretty pleased with the results. I can control the lights from HA or google home, milight hub (ui/web as well) and it mostly works just fine, except when I use scripts in HA to command all or multiple lights at the same time. Apparently using the script makes HA issue the command for all relevant lights at the same time and milight hub runs out of buffer and starts dropping packets… Using switches in HA or voice commands through google works, because apparently there is a delay between commands issued to different lights.
I can get it to work it I run the same script a few times, but that is hardly desirable. Example of a script to turn all lights off:

  alias: Light off
  - data:
      entity_id: light.pred_soba,light.kopalnica,light.kuhinja,light.kuhinja2,light.kino,light.dnevna_soba,light.spalnica,light.postelja,light.mamina_soba
    service: light.turn_off

So, I have two questions:

  • is this a bug or desired behavior?
  • if it’s not a bug, is there an elegant solution, or do I need to rewrite the script to issue the command to each light separately and perhaps even insert a delay in between?

I rewrote the script with a separate step for each light and it still didn’t work, then I added a delay in between each light (1s) and now it works, it’s just kind of slow because of the delay.

Hello Peter, do You have milight FUT036 with milight hub working?
I’m asking because I have 2 LED strips with FUT036 controllers and I’m looking for sollution, how to add it to HA.

Hello pavko,

Yes I have. I don’t have any specific configuration for the lights in HA, they are found by MQTT Discovery all I did was add switches and light cards for them in the front end.

I am considering automating my lights according to presence, what type of sensors is recommended for this? Atm I have a BT presence detection using esp32 boards in most rooms, but I don’t consider it responsive enough for this task; I do plan to use it to trigger this light automation, because I have a dog and a cat in the apartment. I also have lux sensors hooked to the esp32 boards and I bought SF15-600 sensors for bed occupancy, which I have yet to hook up and integrate. I believe, all of those should be enough to properly setting this up?

I am struggling to setup my FUT036W and I am wondering if its because of the “W” at the of the part number ?

Did you guys also have the W version ? did you manage to connect it ?

I can control the lights in the miboxer app and I have found the IP address of the FUT036W.
I add it to the configuration.yaml with type:white and it accepts the config, but when I change the status of the light , the light does no react to any commands.

Thanks for reading