LimitlessLED MiLights

Hi. I’m looking to purchase some LimitlessLED MiLights from here: From my research, they work very well with the Raspberry Pi and have an API that many developers have used. I was wondering if anyone had any issues using these bulbs, and was also wondering if the work 2-way. I am getting the remote, and read that if you control them from the remote that HA doesnt show the change. Is this stil ltrue?

Correct. The hub doesn’t maintain status - nor do the bulbs.

It is not recommended that you use a remote or external control of the bulbs outside of HA - doing so can result in unexpected behavior and issues.

So if i were to just use HA to control the bulbs in this case, I’d be fine? And if i were to use the remote to turn the lights on but then back off wehn im done, would i be fine in HA?

I use a 433mhz remote and a rfxcom receiver.
HA receives the signal and switches the MiLights on via an automation rule…

Yes, that would work.