Linear HUSBZB-1 / Cree Bulbs

Been using HASS for a while using a z-stick gen5 with great results. Recently wanted get a zigbee controller to eliminate my ST hub and centralize it all.

So far, things are okay. I understand Zigbee/ZHA in general is under heavy dev at the moment, however I can’t find anyone experiencing the same issues.

I have two 2nd generation ST contact sensors and one ST wall plug switch, all of which work as intended. My cree bulbs – which I have over 20 and the reason I’m trying to keep Zigbee in my ecosystem, act a little unusual. If I restart the RPi, the system inits correctly however the Cree bulbs become unresponsive. I have to factory reset them (off-1-2-1-2-1-blink) and then HASS begins to communicate without issues. Until next reboot…

As I said, contact sensors and other Zigbee devices work flawlessly and are 15 meters further than the Cree bulbs, so signal isn’t a factor.

Just curious how I can contribute diagnostics to solve this issue… Seems Cree work great, but resetting 20+ bulbs every time there’s a power outage isn’t my preferred action.


In case anyone is interested.

The Cree that seems to be giving me the trouble is actually a ‘cool white’ temperature Cree Connected. All of the warm temperature bulbs seem to pair and work as intended through restarts. I’m willing to bet there’s a firmware difference between the two, most notably is the reset flicker. On the Cree that doesn’t work correctly, the confirmation pulse for a factory reset is almost a second long where it’s a quick 100ms cycle on the working lights… I will attempt to repair the non-working bulb against another Zigbee controller to see if there’s some sort of firmware it needs to grab. I will post my findings.

Hello @EndianX,

Did you resolve this issue?

I have started my move from Smartthings over to, and Im running into the EXACT same issue with the CREE bulbs and the HUSBZB-1. Oddly enough, mine is a warm bulb that is giving me the issue.

I have several other Zigbee devices connected so far (IRIS Motion Sensors 2ndGen) and they all work fine. Its just the CREE Bulbs that drop after a reboots.

I did not!

I attempted to connect to a few other controllers with no luck. It ended up only affecting 2 of my 13 bulbs, so I just conceited to defeat. Hopefully you don’t have more than the one…