Linear NGDZ00-4 Garage Door

if only it was that easy

:man_shrugging: worked when I updated my python venv from 3.4 to 3.5

also for what its worth - if anyone new to HA is reading this I used an automation with the MQTT payload as a trigger. The switch on the relay only sends ‘on’ payload to MQTT (whereas it will toggle the relay). So i had a challenge where the binary sensor i created for the switch would go on and stay on for a period of time (didnt pass the wife test). so I instead used this. when a switch is pressed ‘on’ is sent. I then turned the ‘on’ into a toggle to control the hue lights and my goodness is it quicker than wink + hue.

  - alias: "Relay 1 Upper switch"
      platform: mqtt
      topic: "Relay1/switches/upper"
      payload: 'on'
      - service: light.toggle
        entity_id: light.hue_light_group

but this method doesn’t work with – correct?

You are correct. This does not work with

Sorry for being dim, or rather not patient at this point to try and comb through everything. Can someone put together a quick summary/write up of the steps for a new hassbian user? I’ve been using HA from docker and with and I just moved over to hassbian and I would really like to give this a try but the information is kinda all over the place and I’d rather not have to reflash :slight_smile:

This finally worked for me! hass=65.6 python=3.6

cd /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant
sudo systemctl stop [email protected]
sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant
source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate
cd /home/homeassistant/
git clone
chown -R homeassistant /home/homeassistant/open-zwave
pip3 install cython wheel six
pip3 install ‘PyDispatcher>=2.0.5’
pip3 install --upgrade cython==0.24.1
pip uninstall -y python_openzwave
sudo export LOCAL_OPENZWAVE=/home/homeassistant/open-zwave/
pip3 install python-openzwave --install-option="–flavor=dev"
sudo nano /srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/zwave/ //update the requirements to 0.4.4
sudo systemctl start [email protected]

Now you can add your garage door using ‘add node secure’. Ensure you have removed it if not already before adding. You know it’s working if shows up under states.

Note: You will need to edit your file after each upgrade. Before you start Hass after the upgrade, edit the and update the requirements to 0.4.4, then you can start Hass safely without losing barrier support.

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I will try this, not to get the garage door to open, but to get support for a HVAC z-wave adapter that requires command class “Thermostat Setpoint V3” and “Thermostat Fan Mode V3”:

Systemair / Villavent Z-Wave adapter

Support for this has been added in the dev-branch of open-zwave.

@baardpt The previous post by @ttaidapos is NOT using the dev branch of openzwave. It is using a patched copy of the current openzwave. Eliminate the git and export lines.

Thanks for pointing that out, I thought I would attempt to use this instead

git clone -b Dev

I have compiled it already and it runs on my Ubuntu, at least MinOZW runs. I tried to link it with domoticz just to test, but that failed. Now I wanted to try running hassbian with the open-zwave Dev branch… anyone tried that already?

You shouldn’t need to clone anything locally. @firstof9 has posted a one-liner Linear NGDZ00-4 Garage Door
You will need to uninstall the current ozw etc.

This might work for some distro’s, but the current dev branch doesnt build on freebsd :frowning:

You are on FreeBSD? Haven’t used BSD of any flavor in quite a while.

Well I’m actually running freenas, so not freebsd directly :slight_smile:

anyone updated to 0.65.6 - my cover just disappeared. its not coming up as unknown though. Its showing up as a binary_sensor now as a node entity.

in the values:

EDIT - just ran through the process from @ttaidapos Linear NGDZ00-4 Garage Door

seems the HA upgrade put 0.4.3 back (saw that during the uninstall) so putting the dev version 0.4.4 seems required.

FYI did need a HEAL to show the cover again

I managed to install hassbian 0.65.6 with a local clone of the Dev branch of OpenZwave. Got it running now and the OZW log shows I’m running OpenZwave Version 1.5.3101. It seems to be quite stable. I used the instructions from @ttaidapos above, except the git clone statement that I replaced with the dev branch of openzwave.

Now, that didn’t solve my problem, I still cannot control my HVAC thermostat. HomeAssistant doesn’t seem to set up things correctly, I get 3 entries for the HVAC in the GUI. Probably the output from the command class ThermostatSetpointCmd_CapabilitesGet is not recognized, being new in v3, it actually returns the min and max temperature range for the setpoint. Both min and max values returned are incorrect, but I think I will take this problem to the open-zwave forum…

Your device may not yet have included support. Check the database.
If it isn’t in the database, you should report it to the open-zwave forums.

No, it’s not present in the openzwave library, but I was hoping it would be supported as-is… but that doesn’t seem to be the case. I’ve been in touch with someone who has made it work in OpenHAB, they have their own database and this device was added there. However, I cannot make mine work with OpenHabian. There could be a difference in firmware? I’ve looked at the code and OpenHab has not implemented support for version 3 of the command class thermostatsetpoint either.

If the correct command class is implemented in open-zwave, then you can usually fudge things with the manufacturer specific xml file for your device. If it has been made to work in OpenHAB get the xml file and add it to the appropriate location in HA. By working with the open-zwave folks, you should be able to get the xml file included in furure updates.

Yes, I started doing that. I’ve added the configuration parameters by editing the files in python-library, however, Open-Zwave doesn’t actually read these parameters from the device. There are some read only parameters that gives system information, such as HVAC ID-number, number of days since last filter change etc., but the z-wave config panel just shows 0. In OpenHab, the correct parameters are shown… very tempting to drop Homeassistant now and see if the OpenHab team can help