Dear all,
I have a HA instance running on an rasberry pi. Recently restored from a backup, as the SD card got corrupted…
Now I have the following problem:
- I have zigbee2mqtt installed before the backup (version 1.8.1)
- I successfully restored incl. all zigbee parings (yeah!)
- I added the repository (GitHub - zigbee2mqtt/hassio-zigbee2mqtt: Zigbee2mqtt Home Assistant add-on) to the addon page
- Now the “link” between the installed addon from the restore and the one available seems to be missing
→ The installed/restored addon does not show the available updates from the repository (1.8.3). I can install the addon from the repository, but then I have 2 parallel installs.
I guess there is just one single line somewhere, where I can tell the installed addon to use the new repository (that was somehow lost during backup/restore).