Link multiple ESP8266/Wemos D1 and/or Wifi-less Connection?

Dear community
I am having troubles with multiple Wemos D1 Mini as in the basement I seem to have too many Wifi-Devices or a too weak AP. As I do not want to install further AP, I would ask you if someone of you guys is linking multiple devices, so transmit just over one device and let the other send information to the communicating one?

I am using the devices for power measuring and am limited to two ports per device.

Or is someone using a ethernet shield?

Best regards

ESP devices announced a mesh network solution recently but this in not supported by ESPHome.

Not sure if it ever will be.

If you don’t want to fix your wifi network you could switch to a device type that uses a mesh network like zigbee or zwave, or as you mentioned use an ESP board that supports wired Ethernet. There’s a list of supported boards here.

Besten Dank für die schnelle Antwort. Dies habe ich befürchtet, dass es keinen einfach “Hack” gibt :wink: Ok, versuche mich mal an einem grösseren Board resp. ETH-board.

Gruss Dave

English please. See point 0 here.

Sorry :wink: Didn’t even notice… wasn’t on purpose.

I said thanks a lot and that I was afraid that there is no easy hack to get this working. So I’ll give the Ethernet-Boards and a bigger ESP board a try.

Best regards

The Wemos D1 Pro can have an external aerial, which would be much better that the on board. You can also search the web for people who have modified the the standard D1 to have an external aerial.

Or if you want an ESP32, these boards have the external antenna option too (and are very good quality, unlike a lot of other AliExpess sourced boards at the moment):

Bought a bunch the other day, they ship very quickly compared to AliExpress too.

Thanks a lot, this could be the reason as well :wink: Didn’t think about that option. I’ll check these out.