[Link] Xiaomi Air Purifier 3/3H with custom ESPHome firmware

Does anyone have any tips on how to get the covers off? I can get the side pannels all the way down to the top, but those last tabs seem darn near impossible for me to get. I’ve watched several videos and still can’t seem to get it.

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Yeah mine were pretty tough. Two pry tools eventually got me there. Think I may have snapped a tab or two in the process.

If I recall correctly those last top tabs have a different style of latching mechanism to the others.

I confirm compatibility with Air Purifier Pro H.


I’ve created a draft to use fan-template platform:

Is anyone having issues with their Xiaomi fan (w/ ESPHome installed) going offline very quickly (often within an hour of me hard resetting the fan)?

No mine’s solid.

Can you still see the device on your network or has it dropped off of wifi?

Odd. I can ping it at its IP address, and control it in HomeAssistant, but the local DNS resolution (i.e. xiaomiairpurifier.local) seems very patchy and so the ESPHome add-on thinks it’s offline (and wireless logs/updates etc. don’t work). It all works fine on my other ESPHome devices. Assume it’s something to do with my router (an Edgerouter-X). WIll do some digging.

You can try static ip (I do it both in ESPHome config and on router) and add fast_connect.

Perhaps that helps. But I’m not very good with networking so mostly guessing.

Hi there i just place an order for 2 of the pro units since they were so much cheaper than the 3h , can you elaborate a bit more on how to connect the board with the serial usb ?

I intend to flash them over the weekend

Thanks! It shows as offline in the ESPHome addon but seems to behave normally as a device in home assistant, so I’m just going to ignore it :slight_smile:

Send me pictures of the board.

Its the same board as yours.