Linkind 5-key Remote Control

So I bought one of these Linkind 5 key button devices and I am running zigbee2mqtt. The documentation says to look for these topics

The possible values are: on , off , brightness_step_up , brightness_step_down , color_temperature_move , color_move , brightness_move_up , brightness_move_down , brightness_stop , brightness_move_to_level , color_temperature_move_up , color_temperature_move_down

However after using MQTT Explorer, this is not the case. For the brightness move, the actual value is brightness_move_to_level no matter if you hit the up or down arrow. The only thing that changes is "action_level": This will provide a numerical value of 13, 64, 127, 191, and 255.

I have see a few Blueprints for this device but only use ZHA, I am working on one for Zigbee2Mqtt. However I do not know how to reference "action_level": values. Can someone help?

Also if you are see the correct action values listed from the Z2M site, please let me know.

Hey there. I came across this post researching a way to pass a attribute of the Linkind 5-key device to HA and noticed you didn’t receive a response and I wasn’t sure if you solved the problem on your own. That said, I had the same issue awhile back and figured I’d pass on my solution. Hope it helps.

Service Stack:

  • EMQX Broker
  • External Zigbee2MQTT
  • MQTT Service in HA

To make use of the step values you can use the following example with a YAML state trigger in your automation. I set a ID on each trigger to easily call the trigger in my automation.

platform: state
  - sensor.multi_button_01_action
id: "255"
attribute: brightness
to: 255
platform: state
  - sensor.multi_button_01_action
attribute: brightness
to: 13
id: "13"