Linking DSMR wireless to home assistant

Hi There,

Im looking for a solution to connect my DSMR (dutch smart meter) to my home asistant, since i do not have any wiring i can use i need a wireless solution.

I do have a spare Pi3 or some ESP32 boards available that i could use but no idea where to start. any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I can recommend these

Have DSMR-WS running on a D1 mini

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Hi @minifranske, i followed you advise and have the DSMR-API up and running!
Only having a hard time getting the sensors available in HA i copied te code from Willems doc. and can add the sensors but don’t see any data. any tips would be highly appreciated

What version did you install? Did you configure mqtt host, credentials and topic?

I have topic DSMR-WS

Part of my sensors in HA:

_ sensors.yaml included in configuration.yaml (sensor: !include sensors.yaml)_

- platform: mqtt
  name: P1 Actual Power Consumption
  unit_of_measurement: 'W'
  state_topic: "DSMR-WS/JSON/power_delivered"
  value_template: "{{ (value_json.power_delivered[0].value | float * 1000.0) | round(1) }}"

- platform: mqtt
  name: P1 Actual Power Consumption L1
  unit_of_measurement: 'W'
  state_topic: "DSMR-WS/JSON/power_delivered_l1"
  value_template: "{{ (value_json.power_delivered_l1[0].value | float * 1000.0) | round(1) }}"

- platform: mqtt
  name: P1 Actual Power Consumption L2
  unit_of_measurement: 'W'
  state_topic: "DSMR-WS/JSON/power_delivered_l2"
  value_template: "{{ (value_json.power_delivered_l2[0].value | float * 1000.0) | round(1) }}"

- platform: mqtt
  name: P1 Actual Power Consumption L3
  unit_of_measurement: 'W'
  state_topic: "DSMR-WS/JSON/power_delivered_l3"
  value_template: "{{ (value_json.power_delivered_l3[0].value | float * 1000.0) | round(1) }}"

Do you see messages on mqtt?

Try listening to DSMR-WS/# via the listening option on Configuration >> Integrations >> MQTT >> Configuration to see if something is reported.

Every few seconds there should be some new messages.

I’m running DSMR-WS v1.0.5 (14-03-2020)

Ah thanks! you code saved me! noticed that the code i copied had some typo’s thanks for the feedback. Next step is trying to get the data in Graphana :slight_smile:

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