Linking solar assistant to home assistant

I’m trying to link HA and SA.

Im using the guide on Home Assistant broker setup with SolarAssistant

I have successfully finished up to end of step 4. When i try and Subscribe to the # topic (last step). You should see SolarAssistant messages appear. I dont see any messages come through. I know this might be very difficult to know whats wrong… any ideas?

I got a new router and had to reconfigure up address. Since then I cannot access homeassistant:8123… I can only access through the static ip address I set. I don’t know if this has anything to do with it?

Did you restart the entire HA host? Not just the HA Core.

I don’t know what you mean by that? Turn off my pi and on again?

Settings → System → Hardware → Three dots in upper right corner → Restart system.

Still nothing, any other ideas?
I have followed every step so carefully, and double checked e everything…

Nevermind! Turns out I was using the ip address for HA and not SA. Silly me