Linking Tenda CP3 camera

Hey everyone :slight_smile:

Very eager to get Home Assistant up and running in my house. The first thing I would like to do is set up a Tenda CP3 camera:

However, I’m a bit stumped. One of the first things I need to do is find the RTSP url of the camera, but I’m not sure how to locate it. Has anyone else here set up this particular camera before?

Will appreciate any guidance!

I have found RTSP url for this camera, but it asks for login and password, but none of my login or password do not work.


Looks as You need to know the default user and password fot that device.
You can try in the user manual, contacting SAT or googling.
Ah, “Onvif Manager” software (I have it for windows) can detect compatible onvif cameras and the stream url !

The URL would be as rtsp://user:pass@camera_ip:554/rtsp_live0

I hope this help to help you :smiley:
I have just advertise that You wrote:“camera_ip:8554/rtsp_live0”
:8554 ? Is correct or a mistake?

Hey, did you manage to connect the camera to the home assistant there, are you thinking about buying this camera?


I received this information from tenda support.

Also you have to update your camera to latest firmware.


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I just bought a Tenda CP6. The RTSP address should be the same for CP3/CP6/CP7 but may vary depending on the firmware. Support center sent me these info:
RTSP URL, max resolution 2560x1440p 15 fps:
rtsp://admin:[email protected]:8554/profile0

RTSP URL, max resolution 640x360p 15 fps:
rtsp://admin:[email protected]:8554/profile1

None of these worked for me. Then I used Shinobi in docker, added ONVIF camera, the cam was automatically detected (and all the associated details listed) and the real URL is:
Now I can use VLC or other software like Synology Surveillance Station to record the stream.


This is working, thank you.

I have 4 cp3 tents, but due to port 8544 I can only direct 1 camera, because I have to release this port on the router. How do I view all cameras?

You can use port forward to point to your cams:
Ext-ip:9001 - > cam1-internal-ip:8554
Ext-ip:9002 - > cam2-internal-ip:8554
Ext-ip:9003 - > cam3-internal-ip:8554
Ext-ip:9004 - > cam4-internal-ip:8554

Then you should be able to reach all devices via external ip. If you don’t have a static ip address provided by ISP you can use some DynDNS services.

As a reference for others, I just got a cheap Tenda CP3 Pro working in Frigate using go2rtc, here is the relevant parts of my config.yaml

go2rtc: # 
      - rtsp://admin:admin123456@<camera_IP>/tenda
        - path: rtsp://
            - record

It worked with a mix of the info from the previous posts.

Pay attention when changing the IP of the initial DHCP lease, as in my tests the cam likes to use the first DHCP assigned IP, even after some reboots.

I have a Tenda CP7 but I am not able to integrate it into hombridge… due the stream is running properly via the rtsp link (rtsp://admin:[email protected].***:8554/profile1)… anybody who can help me out?

Buenas noches comparto puertos y links para acceso camara tenda CT6 Espero a alguien le sirva
Saludos desde Colombia

ONVIF port:6688,RTSP port:554
Main stream: rtsp://ip:port/tenda

Sub stream:rtsp://ip:port/tenda_sub