I’ve read multiple threads on this topic and I believe I’ve tried every different combination and I still get errors. On Linksys MR9600 Router’s log-in screen where I have to enter my ADMIN password, it says
“Access Velop” See Log in screen HERE:
After I enter my password and enter the router, I see the router calls itself “Smart Wifi” see HERE:
so which is it?
I’ve tried:
Linksys Smart Wi-Fi - Home Assistant. There is no “Access via wireless” feature in the Local Management Access section of the router administration page that I’m aware of unless it’s called something else.
When configured in the manner described for “Smart Wifi” I get this error:
ERROR [homeassistant.components.linksys_smart.device_tracker] Router returned unexpected response
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/linksys_smart/device_tracker.py”, line 72, in _update_info
devices = result[“output”][“devices”]
KeyError: ‘output’?"
If I try the “Velop” method, HERE:
I have copied over the files to the custom_components folder, but I still get an error when I check the configuration before I restart Home Assistant, so I don’t restart, what am I missing?
I’m sorry, I really have tried finding a solution to this issue.
Thank you