Linktap not showing in energy dashboard

I am unable to add linktap data into the energy dashboard.

I have followed the official documentation (Page 38) .
I added the helper, and then created the template sensor.

The sensor does not appear in the water consumption area. I see the error “No matching statistics found”.

Any ideas?
Thank you~

Have you consumed any water before trying to add it? The sensor might not have been able to initialize without receiving measurements.

It might be helpful to show us the state and attributes of the utility meter in the developer tools.

The issue is, the sensor is not an option as a water consumption meter, so i cannot add it to the energy dashboard.

The sensor in developer tools is correctly calculating the volume.
Everything in developer tools is counting correctly, its just not allowing me to add the sensor as a water consumption meter in the energy dashboard.

If you have a quick check of the document I linked, I have done the steps:

  1. Add a utility meter helper (sensor.irrigation_consumption_meter) with the sensor that counts the volume used.
  2. Added a template sensor:
  - platform: template
        unique_id: "frontyardtap"
        device_class: water
        unit_of_measurement: m³
        value_template: >
          {{ (states('sensor.irrigation_consumption_meter') | float / 1000) }}

This is fine from developer tools.

But cant add it in the energy dash, nothing appears as an available meter.

Checking the statistics tab, “frontyardtap” does not appear. Instead, the helper I added initially does.

The official documentation says the helper + adding the template sensor is all thats required to add it to the energy dashboard, but that doesnt seem to be the case :confused:

The template sensor for the total water in m3 is missing a state_class total_increasing. If it has that, the dashboard should accept it. But what is weird is your template sensor says m3 and the developer tools says L as unit of measurement. Are you looking at the right one?

The statistics in the developer tools might also be complaining about multiple values with different units. You can fix that there.

Thanks for your help.

I realised i was encasing the template sensor within my binary sensors so much of the attributes werent applying.

Moved it out and confirmed this is just working now.

I feel stupid haha, thanks for your replies!

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