Linux 64 bit mqtt central control supports tmall homekit fool access

Link: W9w extraction code: 8888

Debian 9 AMD64 bit test OK

  1. Support homekit access

  2. Esp8266 access

  3. Tmall Genie access

  4. Self link mqtt server

Homekit needs to be installed


apt-get install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev

Default user name admin password pass

/cmdapi/ setup.json Key MD5 stores the user password

Backup the configuration file first, and manually delete / cmdapi to restore the configuration file/ data.db Will recover

Homekit and mqtt can be run independently. Homekit can only run if all configuration files in the / cmdapi file exist

Pure green file, download the file to the specified folder
tar zxvf mqtt.tar.gz
./cmd start
Start command