I have been using Home Assistant for a while now and overall have been pretty happy and have learned a great deal. A friend of mine asked me to setup HA at his house and I wanted to just make sure the procedure I used to install will be good when it will be running at another location:
HP Elite 8200 (Ultra Compact), i5 2500, 4GB Ram 256GB SSD
OS - Linux Mint 19.1
This machine will do nothing else than run HA. I have seen a million different ways to install and this is what I used:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install docker.io (I read another post stating that docker.ce should be used, not sure what the difference is)
sudo apt-get install socat
sudo apt-get install jq
HA has been running at my place on an identical machine using the procedure above. Should I be doing anything different to install it correctly? Being that it is at a friends house I want to make it as simple for him as possible
I try to stick with the official documentation wherever possible. Otherwise I look for recommendations from here.
Apparently some younger people want everything in video form, but i find text form generally easier to follow, especially if you can copy/paste part of a configuration.
I just installed Docker CE following the instructions on docker.com without any issues, Then I proceeded to paste all the commands listed above. When I got to:
I received a warning docker was already installed so I didn’t proceed with that command and went on to install HASSIO.
Everything installed without errors. Just for future reference if I use all the commands above I assume a version of docker will be installed which basically means I do not have to do the docker ce install at the beginning as I did this time?
Because the script has been replaced by a .deb package, and Linux Mint and all other Linux distributions except Debian bookworm are not supported anymore for a Supervised install.